Nerdy Duo

I thought it was spelled Jew-I-S-H, but I'll stop calling my friends that if it's rude.

All the barf ever....

My thought exactly. Y'all made me feel much less like a pervert.

"It creeps you out because it is rude, invasive, and unhygienic."

"You are not the only person on the planet."

I just wish Twilight would go away and stop making everyone dumber.

Driving while tired is as punishable as DUI here.

I like your mom.

Not to sound like I'm coming down on the side of the landlord (because, what he's doing is changing the rules mid-game, and you can't do that), but our family has a 100+ year historical building, and there are some weird clauses like that in the lease (the one that springs to mind is about not using a certain cable

Me three. I always feel like Lindy's rants scream that awful thing I was thinking, but was too polite to say.

Yes. Cake. So much cake. And good cake. From this amazing french patisserie.

Agreed. I also have a huge population with the rate of transmission of diseases like HIV, Hep C, etc. in prison. Like that's part of the punishment. The prison system is really problematic. It's not really meant to be run at a profit.

Never met her sister, but met her mom (story in another reply), and they are just delightful, lovely, sweet people.

My other half and I worked on a music video for her mom, and she came to the launch party. Since it was raining and we were taking mass trans, we wore our ThinkGeek Samurai Sword umbrella's. All night people kept asking, "Are those real swords?" And we're all, "No, no. They're umbrella's. The doorman does his job

So glad about all the gals on Jez who are owning their 30's. It makes it a lot easier to stare down my birthday in 10 days when I turn 29 for what I vow will be the ONLY time.

I don't either. My point was that it stands a chance of interfering with the actual process of justice.

A hearty and sincere thank you for your hard work. There are people who think it's impossible to teach all that. Keep proving those asses wrong.

Right. Especially if they were only able to pick up the other four on his confession. This guy's death could put a big enough hole in the case to let them all walk away.

That's like how I can die happy now because Liv Tyler once told me I was cool.

My sister was born via VBAC (our brother had a huge head and was breach and so was born via c-section), and the only complication was that the doctor had to reach in and turn her, because her shoulders were enormous. I'm glad my mom had a good doctor who didn't bully her into another surgery. It took her almost a year