Nerdy Duo

"Man, this post bummed me out. Like, why even post about it, just because you yourself don't want to use one? Fine, don't use one, but don't actively work to increase the stigma surrounding a pretty common-sense, not-gross way for women to protect themselves, without a man's permission."

I totally feel this. I'm turning 29 this month, and I've promised all my loved ones it will be the ONLY time I do so. And even though I feel really old most days, or like you said, oldER, I prefer this to feeling every other brand of insecure I've ever felt. Because I sure as hell am not as old as I hope to be.

Yeah, neither was my mother's side of the family.


Has anyone else ever seen "A Room With A View"? Because I cannot recall one breast in that movie, but there's about 12 minutes of naked dudes running around, flapping wangs and all.

Yes! Stuff about hipsters is so much more annoying than whatever some pretentious kid is doing.

Yes! pictures of your awesome dog!

It's a rule of thumb, and it works out pretty well for the most part. The more time you spend with someone, the more your lives co-mingle, and the longer it takes to separate them. It's not exact, it doesn't apply to every breakup, and it doesn't mean you spend that much time crying in the closet eating ice cream.

That again depends on the Clergy. And whether or not they've confused the Catechism with the Bible, for the second is often quite literally interpreted.

Your words are beautiful and complicated and messy, and for all that, neatly wrap up the dichotomy of my feelings about, well, life in general. Thank you for sharing.

YES. Enlightened self interest is a beautiful thing, and so worth it. I, too, have gotten a lot more sugar than burns.

This particular casting agency sells "classes", so of course they want people to show up who want to be on TV who don't actually fit the casting call.

Isn't that the point of a reality show in general?

Thank you. I haaaated Arli$$. And for all my trying to figure out what my friends liked about it so much, 18 minutes was the longest I made it through an episode before I nearly slammed my head through the TV.

And this is what gets me mad. If it's between the employee, their doctor, and the insurance company, and on an issue that does not affect your ability to do your job, how are these private medical records remotely the employers business? Don't people have more right to privacy than that?

Danish olives with Feta....with all the oregano and thyme, nomnomnom....

The Lelo one is well worth its like $150 price tag (i bought it at brookstone), even on nights when I can't find the damn spot and it's basically just a regular vibrator.

I wonder what this would look like if you factored in bariatric surgeries like the lap band....

Yes! These are totally men's and totally heels.

Ah yes, I totally forgot about severe liver damage too! Having had to deal with a sibling once under the effects of too much cough syrup (I was nice enough to wait until the drugs wore off to raise hell, that's a different issue entirely), I would second a guess at "B", but weird probably does not even begin to cover