
At this point, they should turn the final season into a deathmatch among all the characters so at least it can go out with a bang. Who would win in a fight, The Blue Fairy or Jiminy Cricket? How about Dopey vs. Pinnochio? The Mad Hatter vs. Cruella DeVil? Or an omnidirectional melee between the various Princes

What you mean the creepy white alien with the googly eyes?

There was a show called Imaginary Mary? I guess that pretty much explains things.

If he's the lead, he can't be the magical one. Maybe they'll have Magical Whitey instead. Jim Caveziel would be good at that. Or maybe he should play the TV/streaming version of Andy Dufresne.

Episode I: The Pooping Menace

Or how much sand you ate after drinking too much under circumstances we will not discuss but that playground will never let you within 500 yards ever again.

Who the hell is holding out for the big bucks with these movies? Or is there some groundswell of demand for The Love of Hercules that I've somehow missed?

They say everything's a hit! Until the bots hit them up for more money for next season and then it's hanging by a thread! But Sarandos is personally a big fan, so he'll ignore the fact that Netflix is losing money hand over fist with this terrible series and renew it as an act of charity. As a bonus, Reed will wear a

Close Encounters of the Second Kind and I'm sure you know what that was a prequel to…

Yeah except for Enterprise.

Can we blame Tommy Westphall for the X-Files' exhumation?

Welcome to the AV Club. That could be the motto.

Poor Oz, leave it alone! Unless it's a mashup with HBO's OZ. That has potential.

This is what you get when you let Pac-Man design your logo.

Well no, it's doing the opposite. It's failing to blow up on a weekly basis which I guess is the premise. Not sure why a planet that doesn't blow up is interesting but hey look at that horrible LOGO!

PS, that logo is HIDEOUS.

Hyperion is the one I'm interested in. Get on it, SyFy!

No, they are orderly. Each cat votes for him or her self.

EVE-arria? Oh Rene, or should I say Renee, are you trying to tell us something?

"Obviousness and lack of nuance"? Somehow I sense broadcast is not for you.