
It's not better than Heroes season 1. It's more on par with season 2-4.

Sense8 is exactly like the Wire, minus the good acting, writing, and premise.

Hopefully in a short and exciting revenge plotline that leads to her messy death.

I think another shoe is going to drop in that plotline. They should lay off the poor guy. (And he should have fun taunting the fans in his Deadbeat Dad persona rather than getting pissed off at it.)

Nah. Bennett is the one who engineered the DEA raid, in return for immunity from the statutory rape charge.

Alex will live. Kubra has plans for her working for him from inside the prison. Probably something really nasty that will make her wish she was dead.

The infamous San Quentin is built on lovely Marin County real estate overlooking the bay that otherwise would be worth millions.

As a Trekkie, I gotta say it was Kate Mulgrew!

I was waiting for her to be revealed as the assassin that Kubra sent to kill Alex. Otherwise, I couldn't see what the point of her character was at all.

So skirt the shoreline and swim briefly when needed. Those girls weren't even trying!

I sense a theme.

This place is too cruel for me.


Sounds like next season of Sense8.

I'm watching Masters of Sex by DVD too. Wait, did that sound dirty? Oh well, I guess not. I'll try harder next time.

Is that where it went! Dammit Netflix!

Great. Netflix gets the crappiest Showtime show.

I thought that was a backhanded reference to Dexter. DON'T MENTION LUMBERJACKS!!!

Hulu should become the gatekeeper for all the streaming services, let us check off boxes for all the content we want, and then tell us, okay to get all that shit in one month costs you $20 or whatever. If that's too much, we kick things off the list. Hulu could rule the world! But will they be that smart? Nah. They'll

Seasons 1, 2 and 4 are all worthwhile. Season 3 is okay.