Good decision.
Good decision.
The 2009 Trek is the best Trek movie ever? I don’t even know where to begin.
The 2009 Trek is the best Trek movie ever? I don’t even know where to begin.
The biggest problem with movies these days is that they’re just not didactic enough.
‘It doesn’t help that Discovery still hasn’t managed to build a convincing sense of place in its real reality.’
I got a Community notification for this?
The AV Club has pivoted away from pop cultural analysis, and more towards “this person I don’t like still sucks”.
But it’s the new Kinja-improved AVClub! Where else are we supposed to go for political hate-watching masquerading as pop culture?
Hopefully they never include any elements of Chuck Austen’s run, the worst one in the history of the X-Men
Jason figured it out? This one really hurts.
Can there be like ONE article about Rick and Morty that doesn’t include a shout-out to awful fans? Like one? I get it, there are a lot of people who watch Rick and Morty that don’t understand the concept of art and think Rick is ‘owning the noobz’ or whatever, but I don’t think that. My friends don’t think that and I…
* wakes from a long nap *
You should start a petition to force The A.V. Club to stop reporting on these petitions.
But when will we have the option to sort comments by the number of Simpsons references?
Hey everyone! A Gen Xer is here to tell us how both sides are equally as bad and they’re above it all!!
I want to punch the computer screen after about the eighth time I see, “Crazy about cryptozoology: Bigfoot.” I can guarantee you I will never 1. Watch that video or 2. Buy Kraken rum.
Pretty rich for this site to snark on pivots to video.
“endless, dispiriting pivots to video by major media organizations”
Kinja didn’t happen in 2017.
(Dis)Honourable mention goes to Kinja.