Tig Carson

I made this one last night as well. Ew. Also, sweet.

This is the dumbest fucking thing I have ever read.

No one simply walks into Mordor.

If you smoke marijuana, Tony Stewart will kill you.

CSN's Enrico Campitelli was sitting near this fight, but couldn't tell what started it.

Any situation in which the outcome is less Eagles fans is OK with me.

:( I love rock band. I wish it would make a comeback on next gen. SO much better than todays "dance like an idiot" rhythm games.

If you're disciplining a one year old, you aren't even fucking trying to parent.

Lacky: "Welker popped Molly"

Another thing I should mention is that promoting other people's stuff helps too. Even if you don't benefit (but often you do), it's good practice.

I pictured you typing that at your PC, hitting Publish, then looking out the window, a single tear rolling down your cheek.

All I can is I sympathise. The only people who ever say "man up" or "it's the internet" are the people who don't see the private hate mail.

People are way to harsh to these devs creating shit for free, give em a break.

The internet really brings out the true nature of some people. Wish him the best. He was merely doing something because he enjoyed it but that didn't stop people from crapping on him for no reason.

you know something? you fucking suck. i hope Luis Suarez bites your dick off.

Let me do a pre-post of the common comments so we can avoid clutter.

"It came with the frame"