Tig Carson

For all the jackass mofos looking to ride in and defend his right to “free speech,” two things.

I think it might be time to consider the idea that a lifetime of steroid abuse and violent collisions might be kind of bad for people...

It would appear that Obama must continue to play the “Magical Negro” role until white liberals are satisfied with his overall performance.

He only had the most stressful job in the fucking world for eight fucking years. He’s a fucking private fucking citizen and can do whatever the fuck he wants.

Was it a reductive and a bit insensitive tweet? Probably, yeah.

Yeah, ditto.

Aaron Schlossberg

I am Armenian and Palestinian. I was raised in a household that made its own yogurt, cheese, pickles, and cured basterma. My mother NEVER used raw milk. She couldn’t. She had systemic lupus. You can make madzoon, jajik, labneh, chankleesh, and tel banir just fine with pasturized milk if you obtain starter culture from

Pasteurization is simply heating something to kill the stuff in it that can kill you. Most people are unwilling to risk sickness and death to be all crunchy.

Also, cows are major vectors for tuberculosis and I am unwilling to risk it. But I have no problem with heating milk.

“pasteurized garbage milk”

In that kind of situation she’s gotta keep her temper in czech

I know plenty of men and women who took the Roseanne Connor path in life—champion of the downtrodden early in life to paranoid, muslim-fearing Trump supporter in middle-age—so I really don’t understand why people are so shocked by this turn of events.

I’m pretty sure we’re the ones living in an alternate reality.

I think his reasoning for toning it down is fair. It’s nice, if a bit unusual, for a streamer to realize that his actions and mannerisms can effect how a lot of kids act, and adjust his stream to be more of a positive influence.

What you call “Palestinian propaganda” most of the rest of us would call a dry statement of the fact of Israeli violence against Palestine.

You sound like someone that’s been offended by nothing.

And R2D2 just stood there doing NOTHING

I worked as a stagehand at a small theatre in Florida prior to joining the Navy, and I was not part of a union, none of my family members worked there, and I certainly have never been a racist or misogynistic person. I was very enthused about the theatre when I was there, and gladly participated directly in at least 2

Fun fact: stagehands are unionized, hired internally among family members (often they will be 3rd/4th generation) and 99.9% are racist misogynist white men from NJ/Long Island/Connecticut who don’t give a flying fuck about theater or opera or whatever they work on.