
Nothing wrong with getting to know your dinner, kids.

Definitely getting Spicoli vibe from that first one.

Those Cookie Monsters in Times Square have been getting pretty crazy. Would it surprise anyone if things escalated to robbery?

What’s that? 5000 fixed gear bikes-sorry, velocipedes-are going to be left unattended during a concert? Interesting...

To alchohol! The cause of-AND SOLUTION TO-all of life’s problems!

It’s the combination of baggy cargo shorts, basketball sneakers, and a hat pressed too far down on one’s head and sticking out at a jaunty angle. Like some kind of Durstian nightmare.

Oh, a new game? That looks so cool!

Let’s not forget those chimps we sent into space that came back super intelligent.

I’m not a state, I’m a monster!

We should have seen coming, based on Homer’s advice on women...

Fucking Pierzynski’s up to his old tricks again...

Just once I’d appreciate being called a great dog...

You can still get plenty of Rainier and Oly out here in Washington (And Hamm’s too!) It's a nice respite from the more expensive craft stuff.

Yeah, it's cute...until you throw a watermelon in the habitat.

I wonder how many people up in arms here are even familiar with his work, specifically his early standup and the more current Comedians In Cars? This isn’t Jeff Dunham and his dipshit puppets, or anything else in the niche Blue Collar Comedy Tour. This isn’t even an old white dude on a ‘why can’t a say offensive stuff

God, Lil’ Jon is such a dorkus malorkus...

Alright Taylor, you can sit up front...