
Both Mattel and Hasbro gave Belle green eyes instead of brown.

Because his lame girlfriend thinks Star Wars is super lame because she’s a stupid girl.

I have to admit that this did not grab me until the last several minutes.

Extra bonus: they can reuse the nice ships and backgrounds in Killjoys and Dark Matter!

The most frustrating thing for me is that they’ve clearly set it up that Danny would make a great stay-at-home dad (and that may be their endgame for letting D&M end up together), yet neither of them, especially Mindy, ever bring this up. Danny wants 83 children and someone at home with them? It only makes sense that

Thank you, Nerdling, for ‘outing’ yourself. I’ve loved KotN from the beginning, and I too wish for a park where we minions could go play some of the challenges y’all got to play on the game. I am really glad to learn all the behind the scenes stuff... that’s really cool to know. I however, have extremely high

I hear variations of “my girlfriend is 120lbs and has 44 DDDDs” all the time.

Nice. I told my husband that my skincare regimen is an investment in his future and that shut him right up!

Right? All my maids (all 3 of ‘em) and all the guys (also 3) got a personalized gift at the rehearsal dinner and a thank you card after the wedding. The girls each got a locket bracelet engraved with their name or initials, two of the guys got engraved metal shot glasses and small bottles of booze, my brother got...

They don't need an architect, they need a gardener. You know, someone familiar with dirt, rocks, sand, bushes and trees. Not big shiny, cylindrical, reflective turds.

Will this app have the same bullshit “health tips,” bizarre focus on weight, terrible interface, suspicious permissions, and syncing problems as Glow? Because if so, I will stick with more streamlined apps like OvuView or Clue — which don’t demand that you weigh yourself every day, don’t feed you dubious health

Great list. Needs more of the Honorable Phryne Fisher, though (first two seasons currently on U.S. Netflix).

Bring back Kripke as show runner for one last super season and put this baby to bed.

Exactly. They are talking about the Cascadia fault specifically. The Nisqually one (that broke in 2001) has no connection to the Cascadia fault, being a purely surface fault and not going through the plate.

That said, I live in Seattle and the Nisqually quake scared the pants off me.

Or get fired. How about they fire her. I like the firing her option.

Here’s the thing: if you’re so Christian that you simply can’t do your job that requires issuing gay marriage licenses/ distributing the morning after pill/ etc. . . quit your job. Find a job that isn’t in conflict with your archaic belief system.

a sexy performance of “Put Your Dick Away” by Bridget Everett

Stalking laws are still pretty weak in many places. A friend of mine has a stalker. He moved across the country when she did (work-related move) and sadly the stalking laws in her current state aren’t nearly as strong as where she came from. The restraining order really doesn’t do much. She can have no social media

Suggestion for daily 10: 10 Science Fiction Novels You've All Read (And Why You Will Never Admit It).