
i agree with everyone who made this point because that was the only thing that bugged me.

Whoa this is bringing me right back to some real-deal kindergarten drama. Two of my friends both got one for Christmas....but Friend 1's Puppy Surprise had 5 puppies, and Friend 2's only had 3. The fact that I can remember the disappointment that registered on Friend 2's face on the first day back to school, nearly 22

I saved up to buy a kitty surprise when I was a kid, and my mom took me to the toy store to pick one out. I must have spent half a freaking hour trying to decide which one to buy (because HOW MANY ARE INSIDE?), while my mom kept saying "Just pick one already." I finally picked one, brought it home, and AW YEAH 5

This is John Cho. All other crush suggestions are invalid.

Spoken like someone that has no idea what goes into live performance.

Not scary now, but when it was happening? Terrifying.

I don't get why everyone has such a wide on for Jay and Bey. Bey has a couple of fun songs but in no way speaks to me, as a performer. Jay is half as interesting as her and has a third less good songs as her. They are calculating, as in reciting all the decimals of pi. In other words, le yawn. Maybe I'm a music snob.

Okay, sure. In what way is Taylor Swift's media manipulation like JT's, Biebers', Mayer's, Pharrell's, etc., but UNLIKE Beyonce's and Jay-Z's? I'm not really seeing any kind of clear thesis here other than that by and large you're not a pop music fan and regard artist self-promotion as "media manipulation" that can be

I' m interested to know where you live/shop. When my husband and I went ring shopping there were no rings that cost that much in the stores we looked at. I can not even imagine spending 8K on a ring. I'm guessing you must be in a high income area. My one carat ring was between $500 and $2,000. Most people I know of

I think it is a regional thing but the LA a area is the same. I'm not a flashy person but I have 1.5 karat ring that was over 10k and that's not considered that expensive here. Also people tend to forget not every huge diamond is expensive and not ever smaller one is cheaper because of all the other factors such as

Wait, you *know* how much your friends' engagement rings cost? I... wait... how... how would that even come up? Like, "Here's the ring! We're engaged!" "How much did he spend?" Is it like that? And people *give you shit* about it? I just... what? I always make a point of showing off my ring (I've only had it for 8