
Just wait. Wait until one day you forget to wear your wedding ring and some man hits on you, and you say, “No, thanks, I’m married.” And he blows up at you for “leading him on.” Even though you thought you were just responding politely in the grocery line.

Wait until some guy who has just been friendly and personable

I have a couple of actress friends, and they are instructed to dress similarly to the part they are going for. Eg, one friends was auditioning for a ghost wife so she wore a long, white lace dress. The idea is not to show up in “costume,” per se, but to wear something that doesn’t clash with the part (like, don’t wear

This sounds like a good script. Co-written by Dini and Burnett? I will remember to look for it when I finally capture the movie rights to Batman Beyond for myself. will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine...

That was my impression, too. I read it between 2002-2006 and loved the featurettes on boutiques and the mix of high-and-low prices. That really matched how I personally built outfits because I’d always pick one nice, distinctive high-end piece and pair it with a bunch of affordable stuff. But whenever I picked it up

He’s definitely not cut out to be CEO, so I find it a totally natural decision by Raviga, as well. I would be interested/entertained if somehow Monica wound up as CEO/in charge and he has to deal with her being his boss now (as opposed to her being his cheerleader/love interest).

She does indeed. This is in fact not even the most a**-kickingest story I have of my mother.

I’m really overwhelmed by the number of comments I’ve been getting, so, I just want to say, thanks for all the positive remarks, and I’ll convey to my mama how everyone thinks she is awesome :).

Thank you!

Does it count if you didn’t fully realize it was awful?

I was about five years old. My mother decides to load four of us kids in the van and take us from Washington State to California, to go to my mom’s cousin’s wedding. While there, we were also going to visit her siblings and go to Disneyland and all sorts of fun

I think Kinja killed my picture, or I added it incorrectly, this is the Reem Acra I got from Glamour Closet.

I posted about Glamour Closet, below! I got a Reem Acra for ~2000 (I think it was $1800, but can’t recall exactly) and I was SO in love with the gown.

Suggestion: Outlet. I’m not sure about location, but Glamour Closet is in LA and San Fransisco, and I liked the no-frills atmosphere and the abundance of affordable choices. That’s where I got my Reem Acra for ~$2000. Not the cheapest of the cheap, but around 25% the price of normal Reem Acra from my forays on the

Oh, oops! It’s tricky to keep track of what’s a response to what...

It was probably some story APs, who were given a script and told to have fun. I cannot imagine being able to engage in this level of trickery.

I think you missed the point - I was identifying a trend in my circle of friends, not necessarily criticizing it (though I think repeatedly reminding people to buy you a present IS tacky). It’s just an interesting cultural phenomenon.

We only hung out at a few group events (mutual friends) and I somehow wound up on her Birthday-mailing list, getting tons of emails and wishlists and the like. Because I didn’t know her very well, I kept thinking, “Well, it must be a joke... right?” But it was not.

It was a ticket for a fun event. Overall, it was fun things to do, it’s just they were more pricey (eg, shows, concerts, etc.). I’m not trying to shame him, I just felt like it was a lot, all told, and participating in everything would get really pricey, really fast.

I might argue that if three people survived, there might be more people out there so there’s hope for your children (if you really wanted a child) but yes, I suppose it’s all a moot endeavor. There’s also the horrifying prospect of giving birth in a post-apocalyptic world, shudder.

It seems a new thing, in my circle, more and more adults are making their birthday A Deal. I’ve been invited to several birthdays this year with themes (usually Marvel movies, or internet memes, or something related) that require dressing up. Which is cute, but a lot of effort when you have to keep coming up with new

Are they ignoring the fact that, logically, it’s best for her to have children with both of them? Monogamy is great but not for genetic diversity.

Not only that, but from my experiences in life, I’ve become convinced that the worst bullies know to target the children who have no parental support, precisely because they know those kids are absolutely defenseless. So not only was dad adding to her isolation, he was probably making her an even stronger target at