
The appearance of Mr. Fish made me laugh harder than anything else I've seen in a movie theater this year.

I know exactly the feeling of revulsion Rabin's talking about when he was watching Palin and her pals disembowel a moose. I live in Texas, so hunting's a big deal down here and I have a lot of "friends" from High School who just post explicit pictures of dead animals they just shot and killed. How….charming.

This quote from Patton Oswalt has really been keeping me going to keep a bit of hope alive for the goodness of humanity in the past few weeks:

That Trump guy is in touch with the common working man what with him living a tower with his name on it!

And the votes are still rolling on in!

Actually, there's already signs (such as the Twitter header for the Inhumans Twitter page) that Lockjaw will not be part of the show. :(

You know what piece of movie-originated dialogue has been rattling around in my head since Trump got elected?

The AV Club
Though this is all meant to be whimsical, there is something undeniably unsettling about it, too.

Love Is Strange is so great and like Mr. Lithgow, I wish it had crossed over and garnered more attention in the mainstream. John Lithgow's so excellent in it.

Did piece of toast finally get on Lorne Michaels good side and get Bobby Moynihan booted from SNL? Where has Bobby Moynihan been this season???

Call me crazy, but I'd say The Great Indoors is not long for this world. That's an almost 50% decline from its lead in program and it seems to be affecting the ratings of the other CBS comedies it follows.

Cue sad montage of Perkins and Rocky spending time together in the SNL review comment section set to the tune of I Will Remembers You

And was on a billboard in the very first Iron Man!

Oh man, wait until you see all the Michael Stuhlbarg nudity this movie has to offer! That's some serious man….hood right there!

Good God, there are a lot of returning shows that are just bombing hard, though that's what happens when you bring back programs like Scream Queens and Secrets & Lies that weren't all that popular to begin with. Looks like there's gonna be some massive spring cleaning on the networks schedules come April.

Looks like Son Of Zorn is officially looking more and more like it'll be cancelled come January, making it the first (I believe?) comedy dud Phil Lord and Chris Miller have brought to FOX

This turned two year olds today. My how time flies. I remember watching this for the first time and having my mind blown wide open like it was yesterday!

I cannot say enough how absolutely terrible Diamondback's costume looks at the very end of this episode.

I found this episode to be a mild step up from the lackluster last three episodes to come before it, mainly because it's more character-oriented, smaller-scale and we finally finally finally get some vital backstory on who the hell Diamondback actually is. But the shows still suffering from the clunky writing and

Sure, this is devastating news, but so long as AC/DC's wine business stays in tact, this crazy o'l world should carry some stability to it I reckon.