
I'm only half goblin good sir!

Aaaaaawwww yeah! New Years Eve! Time to party all night!*

Also; Dirty Grandpa comes out this year and that looks like shit.

The AV Club
God damn lazy bloggers!

But what about us nerds?? Do we note receive love in our basements??

This show was so damn excellent. I love that in 2015 Marvel took two unknown superheroes like Ant-Man and Jessica Jones and churned out great movies/shows based on em. Super kudos to Melissa Rosenberg for sticking with the show for half a decade until it finally got on-air, as well as to the remarkable cast and crew

20 years ago today, the final Calvin And Hobbes comic was released.

So, I just got back from watching Daddy's Home.

I wrote up my Ten Worst Movies Of 2015 list this morning. Damn, were there some brutally bad films this year. Just the mere mention of Pixels gives me horrible flashbacks (shudder)

Saw it in 70mm yesterday (nary a technical hiccup in sight at my screening I might add!!!), absolutely fell head over heels for it, go see it ASAP in the format of your choosing. The way the film mounts tension between it's small cast of characters is incredible, not to mention that Jennifer Jason Leigh is excellent,

I'm not sure why so many people say the fight scenes on this show are lacking. They're different for sure from the conventional superhero brawls, but that's the point, Jessica and Luke are not at all like Superman or The Hulk in terms of physical strength and the opponents they face. Plus, like you said, there's a lot

I'm pleased to report there was nary a technical hiccup at my 70mm Hateful Eight screening this afternoon!

First official image of Benedict Cumberbatch in costume as Doctor Strange!!! Oh my God, he looks perfect!!

One really interesting thing to note about 2015 cinema as a whole; we really got a whole bunch of really interesting actors just coming from one or two films, or even none at all and just become movie stars huh?

Shocking no one, Star Wars: Inside Llewyn Davis 2 will be ruling the box office again with about $160 million, taking its domestic box office haul to $550 million. Sorry Avatar, but looks like you won't be king of the domestic box office for long. The big surprise so far is that Daddy's Home is obliterating all

Happy Life Day to all of you!

Little Boy is on Netflix.

Yeah, the Trish and Jessica stuff was really sweet and very well executed. It's rare to see a sister dynamic explored in the confines of live-action superhero storytelling, and this episode showed how much dramatic and storytelling potential is there in that specific dynamic.

Anna Kendrick needs to do it. She needs to play Squirrel Girl in both parts of Avengers: Infinity War

"Why are you calling yourself Gator?"
"He used to be a pimp in college."
"Yeah, I used to be a pimp."