
Wow, by comparison, AA Dowds C+ appraisal of Yelp looks like a glowing a reccomendation.

The Hateful Eight just dropped a teaser trailer!!! Check out the all the facial hair and wintery weather below!

I got all my college classes for this semester finalized!! Excelsior to that!

Like the mighty phoenix, Backstreet Boys and Wet Hot American Summer, the NerdInTheBasement Self-Promotion Thread! is back baby!

Alright, shut down the comments section for this article folks. He said it, we can all go home.

Every time I read the words "George Lopez" now, all I can think of is the song from that wretched Beverly Hills Chihuahua movie he starred in.

No, that's Go Trump Yourself

The Average AV Club Commentor

Yeah, I've heard sex with all the members of Metallica is not as fantastic as you'd think

There's actually some really solid moments in the new Fantastic Four, mainly in the very first few flashback sequences of the movie that have a pleasing Amblin vibe to them (though the less said of how Ben Grimms physically abusive older brother is responsible for originating the phrase "It's clobberin' time!" the


Man, it's like Hulu gets off on being witholding.

Fantastic Four is heading for a $27-28 million opening week, which is not only a crushing disappointment, but also means it'll likely lose the weekend to Mission: Impossible- Rogue Nation, which should beat the film in its second weekend.

Yes, a stroke.

That's my basement you're talking about there, so be kind about it! It can't help it if it has dank in it!

Fantastic Four and Ricki And The Flash got off to rocky box office starts at Thursday night screenings last night, though The Gift is off to a solid start.

I dunno if this is gonna top Pixels in terms of quality.

Woah, a Simpsons newswire piece???

Baby Driver (the next movie from Edgar Wright), a live-action Barbie movie and not one, but TWO Bad Boys sequels, as well as much much much more, just got release dates!

Actually, the true winners are those who choose not to watch the cinematic shitpile that is Man of Steel.