
Well, replace the word dog with "kid" and the word accidentally with "repeatedly".

Yeah, Marvel might have a good thing going with this whole "superhero" thing.


I just wrote up a piece on five actors who deserve more work. Any other actors I missed that you guys think should get more roles?

The Garrett Morris cameo in the Ant-Man movie was a nice touch.

I can't wait for all the thinkpieces on Monday that this solid opening weekend obviously is a blatant sign that Marvel is dead after the studio released one of the ten biggest movies of all-time (Avengers: Age of Ultron) domestically and worldwide just two months ago.

Wait, David Spade is 50???

Ant-Man is a fascinating combination of the bizarre and the down-to-Earth. And lemme tell ya, it's fun as hell to watch the two bounce off each other and enhance the contrasting element. It's got some extremely imaginative action sequences, depth, adorable ants and a ton of memorable moments of levity. And boy howdy

I'm honestly quite proud of this editorial…a look at the Myth of Marvels "House Style"..

How about Land of The Nerds? Tons of great movies reviews and editorials over there, and it's run by a pretty handsome fellow.

Warner Bros. has officially released the trailer for Suicide Squad, which comes complete with Jared Leto Joker, grit and a gun-toting panda.

It's the sort of motion picture that doesn't realize its own potential. There's some good elements in there (the casting of everyone on Oa is spot-on, especially Mark Strong as Sinestro). If they had just done an imaginative sci-fi romp, it could have been a winner. Instead, it's a movie where Ryan Reynolds broods to

The AV Club

J.K. Simmons is reuniting with Damien Chazelle, WOOOO HOOOOOO!

Some people say Paul Rudd is good in the movie while others say he's not?

Man are the early reviews for this movie peculiar. No one outright hates it (so far), but it's got a lot of mixed marks, but also a lot of people loving it. (I speak of "a lot" and there are currently only 21 reviews, but ya get my point).

I'm very interested to see this one, since early consensus seems to be that it's fun, but not earth-shatteringly good like Guardians or Avengers. I shall judge for myself, of course, come July 17th.

All my Dissolve and CZ friends in one place?? And there's juice???

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… [An] MRA's Wet Dream

Alvin And The Chipmunks 4 is real, here's the teaser, God help us all.