My Dad is very angry about The Human Torch being black, and I know he's not the only one. So I'm actually really glad he's addressing this issue (which really shouldn't be an issue) in this sort of mature, thoughtful manner.
My Dad is very angry about The Human Torch being black, and I know he's not the only one. So I'm actually really glad he's addressing this issue (which really shouldn't be an issue) in this sort of mature, thoughtful manner.
I have extremely fond memories of reading Jurassic Park at maybe too young of an age (I was so mesmerized by all the swearing!), and would certainly recommend it!
Interesting rumored update for Fantastic Four; the film will no longer be in 3D and Matthew Vaughn apparently directed the reshoots.
Huh. Looks like Tomorrowland is likely to become the first blockbuster dud of the summer (Terminator: Genisys, you're next!). It had an underwhelming debut on Friday that will likely lead to a $33-34 million opening weekend, which is only a bit ahead of the opening weekends of legendary Disney bombs like The Lone…
I saw Tomorrowland Thursday night, Excelsior!
For those looking for a film about volcanoes falling in love, check out PIXAR's newest short film, Lava!
Sometimes, You Have To Say Volcano
Before You Can Say Romance
… the monster is a racist White police officer?
I'm a NerdInTheBasement, and even I think these guys on Reddit need to get a life.
I'm seeing double here! Four AV Club commentors getting kicked in nuts by female commentors!
2 Blade 2 Runner
I think on their heads.
Woah woah ICP! Let's not toss around the phrase "looks worse than Christmas With The Cranks" lightly!
Hey, some new artwork from PIXAR's Thanksgiving 2015 movie, The Good Dinosaur has finally come online!
The true answer is far more pedestrian I'm afriad; It was on Cinemax Go, and I'm a sucker for DreamWorks movies (thanks to the book The Men Who Would Be King, I'm fascinated by that studio and its works). Alas, it didn't entertain me one bit.
Last night, I watched Evolution
The new trailer for Pixels is legitimately impressive to me. I don't really care for it (the story and characters look forgettable, while I can already tell the majority of the films humor will derive from characters shouting things) , but I do have to give kudos to Sony, since this trailer does feel like it will play…
Wait, people are complaining about the farm house scenes??? Those were my favorite parts of the movie!
Oh my God, Sony has given up on Aloha if recent marketing is to believed. The TV ads for this movie are hilariously lacking in effort. No plot, no memorable gags, just parading out their A-list stars and praying to God this doesn't lose too much cash,