
Titanic wears it's heart on it's sleeve with the utmost pride, and I really can't help but adore that. Plus, Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet have great chemistry and James Cameron excels as a director in numerous scenes (particularly when the ships sinking. Cameron really knows how to combine emotion and spectacle

Yaaaay!!! Someone else who gets Titanic!

There's some films where I can't stand Sandler in the slightest (namely Jack & Jill, Grown Ups 2 and Just Go With It, all of which I saw in the theater. No, I don't know how I'm still alive), but he comes off as an affable enough guy in press interviews and he was outstanding in Punch Drunk Love. I'm actually curious

2 Mall 2 Rats

Shaken, not stirred

After hearing Family Of The Year's Hero on the radio yesterday, I gave the Boyhood trailer a rewatch a few minutes ago, and my God, am I glad I did. Seeing that trailer again reminded me how incredible that movie, easily my favorite of 2014, is.

Quick fun story regarding Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World; I went and saw it at an advanced screening in late July 2010, not knowing a thing about the comics or Edgar Wright. So the movie was just an endlessly glorious experience and not only opened my eyes to what a wonderful filmmaker Edgar Wright is, but managed to

Whenever someone brings up that movie, I have to break out the L-word.

Honestly, I could totally see TV advertisements for Ant-Man carrying a tagline along the lines of "After The Age Of Ultron Ended…His Journey…BEGAN"

As I usually do every week, I checked out what new movies were playing at "nearby" (they're like 30-35 minutes away) Angelika theaters, which typically play arthouse fare. To my amazement, the Dallas Angelika is playing The Cobbler, six times a day. I got waaaaaay too excited that it was playing there.

Considering the fact that it comes out in four months and we've seen nothing for it, I seriously thought Pixels, a new action/comedy about video game icons invading America starring Adam Sandler, Peter Dinklage, Josh Gad, Michelle Monoghan and Kevin James as the President Of The United States, was gonna get delayed


At least he's off working on a new original project, plus we all won't have to hear some celebrity like Paul Rudd or Jim Carrey do a terrible Popeye impression when they voiced the lead character.

Hey, does anyone else remember that weird time last year Jamie Foxx played Electro? Remember when he became that comic book supervilalin by being bit by electric eels? And then hated Spider-Man for no reason?

Sam's gotten quite clever.

Disney won't let it go it seems. They've confirmed Frozen 2 is happening!

The first Star Wars spin-off movie has a name, and Rian Johnsons' Star Wars Episode VIII has a release date!

Yeah, AoS has gotten screwed over this year in terms of a lead in. Before that reality show, it's lead in was Manhattan Love Story and Modern Family reruns. While that lead in isn't entirely to blame, it's certainly a major factor as to why things aren't working.

One suggestion for ABC if they bring AoS back next season: move it to Sunday after OUAT, give it a better lead in for that Marvel program, and you can use Fresh Off The Boat as a way to start up another 2 hour comedy block on Tuesdays.

Well, Agents Of SHIELD went below 4 million viewers (3.80 million to be precise) last night. Looks like cancellation is inevitable.