Hang on. There’s a Pence also working at the Trump Organization?! So the president and the VP both have connections to a private business venture that the President has not divested from? FFS.
Hang on. There’s a Pence also working at the Trump Organization?! So the president and the VP both have connections to a private business venture that the President has not divested from? FFS.
Kennedy has already hired his clerks for the fall session. That’s not what retiring justices do.
Emmett Till’s mother famously opted for an open casket, specifically to show what had been done to her son. This isn’t art based on what his mother refused to show, it is based on what she specifically chose to show.
So, does the second one think that Trump and Billy Bush were in an actual men’s locker room?
I honestly think that over these eight years, Michelle has overtaken her husband as the best orator in the family.
And Sojourner Truth!
As a Polack, I must say that I could never crush on a woman with such terrible bowling etiquette as Jennifer Aniston is showing in that photo. For shame.
Releasing neutered males is a more effective population control method than culling. Essentially, the female deer are still having sex, so they assume that they will get pregnant, and therefore stop seeking/accepting sex. When you just kill a bunch of deer, the herd then seeks to increase the population, and the…
A CPAP liner from Pad-A-Cheek did wonders for me. I bought a few so I could use a clean one every night. It really helps. http://www.padacheek.com/
I think she might mean complain in the same way that a District Attorney in the U.S. uses it when filing a criminal complaint. The legal use of the word has fallen out of favor in the U.S. outside of the legal realm, but is still commonly used in other countries, particularly those where British English is still…
“As a director you have to put yourself in your movies, and I’m white and gay,” he said.
I think they all have flowers up there to honor their colleague, and having other things up there would distract from that display of honor. That is to say, I don’t think that they have removed the Gadsen flag specifically, so much as they removed everything on their desks, and a Gadsen flag is a common thing to have…
We need laws that require that the first responsibility of police is to de-escalate a situation and that create a citizen police review board to detemine compliance with that requirement.
It probably depends on how brazen he gets with his all-encompassing definition of fair use. If I thought I had a case and got chapped enough about it, I might look into options. Especially if one of the privacy/intellectual privacy legal outfits would take it (which would also likely be a good barometer of the…
Sure. You can’t control every person who uses your art as their laptop background. But when someone starts making money off of your art, adding a few words and selling it for $90K, you have standing to go to court and argue that someone is infringing on your copyright.
No, you don’t. You still have copyright. Copyright is a legal right, exclusive to the originator or their assignee, to perform, publish, display, etc. a protected work. There are exclusions to copyright, fair use being one of them, and you can so transform an otherwise copyrighted work that it becomes your copyrighted…
You don’t automatically lose your intellectual property rights by putting your art on social media. The disclosures might define what fair use the platform might make of your work, but that doesn’t give anyone in the world the right to just steal it and make money off of it.
Most important things first: Who is taking over the Hiddles beat now that you're off to Cosmoland?
I have stopped and started watching this show so many times. I can't get past the pilot. Not because it isn't exquisite (it is), but because I am a female lawyer in my 30's who lives alone. I make it until the killer's daughter is dancing around in the living room and his eyes crinkle up in joy while watching her.…