
I will kill them with respect it is all I can hope for. Thank you for being polite and conversing like two adults I truly do appreciate that.

He was probably being polite, because he is an adult and I have treated him with respect as well. You're untitled to your opinion I would just hope next time it will be a little less rude.

I have apologized for "hawking" my site and have been interacting with the community within this site since. I do not know what more I could possibly do to appease what has already been done. I will continue to offer my opinions here and also offer my site along with my thought-out views as a supplement. That way I

That could just be me being happy that Tyrion agreed with my point of view, but hey can you blame me for that?

Clearly the best scene of the whole episode was Tyrion stating how do we know Dany is fit to rule. Just because you have dragons does not make you a just ruler.

I apologize if I offended you.

apologizes if i come across as rude, and you do not have to click on my site. If you did you would notice I have ZERO ads on my site so click bait really would do nothing, but allow me to share my point of view on a show/ book series I absolutely love. Again sorry for the inconvenience I just did not see any harm in