The Man in the High Castle on Amazon.
The Man in the High Castle on Amazon.
I haven’t even started Westworld. That’s ok. I like all the episodes available before I jump in. I meant to start my HBO Now subscription by now but The Man in the High Castle is really good this year and I gotta finish that first...
Netflix and Amazon are the ones behind the glut. Their rationale is this: streaming will take over from broadcast and cable. Since the successful streaming services will be global, the rewards are enormous. Since sheer bigness will determine the winners (why subscribe to a puny service when for the same ten bucks you…
...however being a streaming only person means at least I don’t have to worry about when something is airing. Either it appears or it doesn’t. Not sure I could handle more complexity. Life is insane enough as it is.
I’m not judging. I have a list of anything I stumble across that sounds intriguing. The list gets pruned eventually when they either show up on a streaming service I subscribe to (or Netflix DVD, which I still resort to) or end up as a stillborn show that never pans out (Lewis & Clark from HBO sigh).
FX keeps bitching about Peak TV because streaming loading up our schedules with their stuff means we never get around to looking at FX’s shows, or watching the ads they run between them (which is what they really want) so it sucks for them but it’s great for us. More content means our niche tastes get served in ever…
Star Trek will be massively pirated but the production is already paid for, courtesy of Netflix’s license fee. Star Trek will boost Netflix’s subscriptions overseas, which is its main goal now, and raise the profile of CBS All Access (most folks probably don’t even know CBS has a streaming service), which is their…
Bingo. This is great PR for Amazon, which remember, is not like Netflix. Netflix makes money only from subscriptions. Amazon might be using their video business mainly as a lure for new eyeballs on their real business, selling and shipping goods. Even if people pirate the show, it’s an ad for the Amazon brand name and…
The most pirated TV shows lists always just list a bunch of popular shows. Piracy follows marketing; whatever gets the most publicity gets pirated. What gets the most publicity also tends to make the most money. All this proves is that pirates have the same tastes as pretty much everyone else. It doesn’t prove they’d…
Even HBO? They have reasonable hopes of being one of the very few global streaming behemoths that survive this transition. And those behemoths will run the show from now on, so anyone who has even the slightest chance of making it has to try.
Content makers won’t put their content on the popular platforms because they want to BE the popular platform.
Obama can’t close Gitmo if none of the states are willing to take the prisoners. Where are they going to be put, in the damn ocean?
Everything about Trump’s resume screamed PROFESSIONAL CON ARTIST! He probably an embossed image of PT Barnum as his stationery logo. And these people are surprised that he’s a two-faced liar (and/or can’t remember what he says from one moment to the next. It’s possible he’s already forgotten about that whole Mexican…
Well unless the barista has eyes and can see them and notice their skin is not an ungodly shade of orange. Then they conclude the poor soul just happens to be named Trump (as a first name???) Or by now all Starbucks’ employees have heard of this new fad.
Welcome to the next four years.
Let’s make America fall through a grate again!
Are you kidding, if the system were hacked, that would be far worse. How do you figure that out and fix it? How do you ensure it doesn’t happen again?
There were 407,000 US deaths in WWII. They all had families, didn’t they? Seems like a pretty big impact right there. The population was a third of what it is today. My family had servicemen in Europe, I’ll bet a lot of people here who know what their family was doing then could say the same.
If Trump follows through on his threats to upend our alliances, then it’s going to cause a lot of disruption and recalibration overseas. So they’re going to have to deal with him and hope he’s not a madman. And then there’s the economy. If Trump brings down America’s economy with his foolishness, there goes the world…
I wonder how those mass deportations are gonna go in California? Trump is pretty roundly hated here. This could get interesting.