
Are people even reading the entirety of my first post?

Uh, no...

You might want to go back and reread your own link. The Texas case, which you refer to as the oldest, was actually the second such case; the Massachusetts case was the original. Here’s the ruling from that case:

If all women did this

Yep... right up until the first time it turns out to be plainclothes cop or the person doing it gets shot.

I’m one of the people he pays to write the ridiculous things he says. The only requirements for his next speech he has me writing are “something that’ll piss off Democrats, and find some way to accuse Ben Carson of committing treason.”

Dr. Luke is EXACTLY how not to act as a producer. If someone accuses you of abusing them, you don’t act like a giant asshole and try to keep them from recording without you!

How long are you willing to wait for that change?

Wait, people don’t know that the Bubonic Plague is in North America? It has been for some time.

Lol! I’ll tell him he can sell it as a performance art commentary on American politics should he ever get bored of trolling Democrats.

I woke up one night screaming in terror because I had a dream that Donald Trump started to make sense.

Is she wearing a pedobear costume?

Actually making him President would just give him an unprecedented amount of trolling power!

Trump doesn’t even speak for Trump. He’s just running so he can troll Democrats.

Hey, now! Be fair! I know Trump and I know how he runs things!

Going to bow before you on this one and back out. I got in over my head with hyperbole.

Thanks. I’ll keep that one in mind!

Lifetime Movie Network

Who said anything about protected speech? That hasn’t been the rational at all.