
You are seriously using Landsburg as an argument. yeech. And you are not even linking to his own text, was that out of laziness or out of lack of understanding of the text you linked?
So I’ll add some of the context your post is lacking. Landsburg made a frelling blog post, not a study. To quote wikipedia on that blog

cool, so you ARE a troll. thanks for revealing yourself!

If this is indeed rape, which ist looks like, you don’t understand how seeing images of the crime plastered all over the Internet would be traumatizing? Fuck off.

You are being flippant, trollish, cruel and let’s add lazy, stupid and obnoxious.

let me just expound upon my previous response to you:

If you really are wondering about this, use the frelling google and do some research. You will find numerous accounts from people who has been deeply traumatized by beeing raped while unconscious.
Just asking the question straight out and at the same time claiming that you don’t want to be “flippant, trollish or
