
We’re done here.

Are you talking about antisocial personality disorder? Because sociopathy is not a diagnosis or a condition. It’s an informal term generally used as a slur or an insult. Everything you’ve said so far beautifully illustrates why you and other laymen are absolutely unqualified and in no way should try to diagnose or

Personally, I think it’s better to discuss symptoms & avoid using a clinical label. We’re all qualified to observe and comment on his behavior. We’re not all qualified to diagnose him with anything. Additionally, it’s a lot easier to dismiss an armchair diagnosis than it is to dismiss critiques about his observable

Many people can display certain behaviors without having a full-blown personality disorder. In fact, we all display these behaviors from time to time. You only see Trump in the public eye. You don’t have an inside look at his life minute to minute. Feel free to talk about his behaviora as x or y, but diagnosing or

I’m not a Proctologist, but I know a fuckin asshole when I see one.