
You missed one.

I bet she really hates Moose and Squirrel.

Yeah, I think about this often. I mean—you do what you have to do, absolutely no judgment, but it seems to me that we will look back on this course of treatment as completely barbaric. Really? Removing body parts? That's the best we can do?

Yet pointing this out seems to always lead to being called a downer.


I'm BRCA1. This is The Scar Project (I guess also NSFW, though I'm loathe to say that), which FB shut down a couple of times and we had to raise a ruckus. There's a pretty intense image gallery here.

Yet again proving we are not trying to "save the tatas" or "save second base". We are trying to save the women.

god. I want to post this over and over again the next time someone starts on the "save the boobies/save second base tee-hee" bullshit. because *THIS* is what cancer does and THIS is what a strong amazing woman looks like.

"Friends" bolted after she shared the pictures? Who the fuck does that? The internet blows my mind yet again.

Amazing, isn't it, that boobs can be all over facebook and it's OK as long as the nipple is covered ... even if it is only by a tiny little star. Yet this can be considered offensive, even though the "offensive" part is gone. People fucking suck.

I like how almost everything sold on Gwyneth's site is designated "exclusive." Like, goddamnit we get it. You're better than us.

Yes. In horrible pain and agony while the ricin makes her barf and shit herself and her hair falls out and she can't even stomach her fucking disgusting watered-down chamomile tea with her fucking soy milk and stupid Splenda!** Argh I hated her so much sorry for the swear words.

** No diss on people who like this

Zeppelin is VERY problematic, because they often simply reworked older blues and folk songs without attribution.

Tracy McMillan is silly. Female Peter Pans are called Tinkerbells.

OK, fair. I agree—and obviously Miley Cyrus is not Elvis. Elvis grew up poor, a part of black church congregations, and had a deep love for gospel music. There's actually an excellent compilation that's just "gospel songs that the King loved" and they're all great! I'm just saying there's no use in saying, about the

there's a difference between this and Elvis. elvis grew up poor and knowing black people. His parents taught him to treat all people the same, and he loved black culture from an early age. Whatever you think of Elvis, he ws never calculated about it.

I assure you that us Brits have been using this particular hand gesture for an awful lot longer than black Americans have.

Of course many of these animals each either other. The big African plains cats and vultures, who are self-aware and conscious, eat the springbucks, apes and gazelles who are also self-aware and conscious. Horrifying isn't it? That's nature red in tooth and claw.

I know, as a proud member of the Cajun/Creole clan I weep for our state. We have so much to be thankful for our unique culture, food (without corexit/please) art and music. However the big money corporation that own our government, the corruption of our local government and the ignorant narrow-mindedness of the

Nope. She doesn't know how to read, either, apparently, even though she's a State Representative. Of course, she is a Republican, so really, the only required qualifications were "white and jebus-y."

Numbers are the tools of the devil. Muslims are responsible for algebra, after all.