Did Q tell you that?
Did Q tell you that?
Chey Nova, when sold in Spanish speaking countries. No Va = No Go.
Whats petty about preventing narrow streets from being blocked for long periods of time by oversized vehicles?
The tracks aren’t federal property, it’s the former Pennsylvania RR main line, and that section fron HAR to PHL is owned by our state transportation agency, PennDOT. That said, railroads are one of the most protected industries in US law, and they don't have to do shit.
Farmstands! I love to pick up honey, good eggs, and whatever else they're selling at all the little honor box farmstead across the northeast 🇺🇸.
I did something very similar with 3 huge inner tubes inflated tied to a factory roof rack on an 80s isuzu trooper II. The rack screws ripped out and the tubes bounced like 30 feet in the air, then landed neatly on the shoulder still tied to the rack. PA RT 33 somewhere south of Wind Gap in the late 90s.