
I don’t see any indication the OP was talking about servers at different restaurants (and I don’t know if any restaurants where the servers are allowed to wear dirty T-shirts and fuck things up). The point is that it’s the exact same work, regardless of the price of the shot - which is why basing tips (which is

I think part of the problem with that realization is that when the subject comes to letting everyone enjoy it.. it’s also accompanied by “and that means you need to change the way you enjoy it as well or get out of the shop”. Which to them.. They are the only reason that it’s gotten the visibility or popularity to

The reasoning that always seems to be used, to go along with your analogy, is that they are the ones who kept buying the cakes, popularized the cakes, and kept the lights on in the bakery for so many years that while the cake itself might not be theirs it damn well wouldn’t be anybody else’s either if not for them.

I’m just not sure that I’ve ever come anywhere near being obsessed with anything so much that I could do something this stupid and desperate.

This *has* to be true. They have a video of people who knew Smollett buying the implements used in the attack. There is no longer any possibility of Smollett’s version of events to be true. He’s definitively lying! You might as well be agnostic about gravity. 

Nahhh. There is NO good excuse for doing something like this, which re-victimizes real victims by making it just that much harder for them to be taken seriously. If he did this, he is a bad human. 

The other is brownwashing? It seems like you’re not really trying here, rec.

The character is white in the books and games. Would u say that it would be a good representation of black panther if an integral black character was another ethnicity? 

How is wanting a good representation of something people love racist? 

I’m sure you’d be fine telling a south side resident whose car just got jacked or whose son was just killed in an armed robbery over sneakers that crime isn’t a very big issue in their community and that the police shouldn’t do anything to deter it.

Yeah maybe.

Congrats on an idiotic response!

Theft of anything that isnt tied down is one of the biggest problems in these neighborhoods. Its one of the barriers to anyone there having anything nice.

But it was a benefit show, if the tickets were through planned parenthood or another private party and they had rented out the club, I think they would be ok.

That’s because women can never be wrong, or sexist - and minorities can never be racist! Modern logic, this.

Sorry, I’m only here to manspread.

Actually with this in mind isn’t this a clear case? The beginning:

Perhaps if Stanley were black it would be blacksplaining. But that gets awkward in a hurry, doesn’t it?

Mansplaining is pretty much an undefinable idea to that can’t be explained with a specific set of parameters or rules. So pretty much it takes examples of men arguing something with a woman when the man is wrong (or they think he is wrong) and call that mansplaining. They’ve never pointed out the cases of this when

fun fact: my anus has been bleeding for over a week, but i don't want to go to the doctor so i've just been telling myself that it's hemorrhoids and that it will clear up by itself.