Agreed - 100% this is about monetization.
Agreed - 100% this is about monetization.
A rebuilt title is issued once a car is totaled and reassembled. Now, will this Ferrari end up at the local U-Pull-It yard? Nope.
The goofy thing about these little towns is that they’re often situated on highways that have a higher speed limit going into and out of town. This leads to a “step down” and “step up” speed limit transition. Extreme example would be 65 down to a 35 in 10mph increments. The police in these speed trap towns will…
And I’ll add, since you mention insurance fraud which this almost certainly is, the ironic thing is no insurance company would accept a $35K quote for this type of damage and this guy is under no obligation to accept that quote either. Guy 100% needs to get a very vindictive lawyer to go after this scammer.
I sincerely hope you told whomever was responsible for that invoice to eat a bag of dicks.
Yoooo, Turo is hell. I have rented though them without any issues for a long time. Super pleasant until there was the one time where something went wrong. Turo 100% protects the hosts of the vehicles and loves damage claims because they stick 20% on top. Its free money to them and the more the hosts scam the more they…
Speaking as a Polestar owner, I think this is a Mercedes of some kind. GLA, maybe?
“Does anyone else find it odd that the perpetrators come down the street and only target that car?”
Always get the insurance. Always. Sooner or later you’ll need it, and you’ll be really glad you had it. One incident will likely cover all the costs have and will ever spend on rental insurance and then some.
Its weird that the lambo driver is facing homicide charges for this, the red ferrari was also WAY in the wrong here; they killed themselves as far as I am concerned.
Charger is the new Altima.
I think there’s a much simpler explanation: the truck driver reasonably presumed that the car was about to pause/stop in the median until the way was clear.
Couple thoughts about this list…
That’s only $1,500 less than that car cost when it was new
Long sigh....
And that particular area in Death Valley is called Furnace Creek. For comparison, my furnace shuts off its burner when the pipe going through it reaches 120F, which is pretty close to the air temperature there during the summer day.
You're good people.
Going to a place called Death Valley doesn’t sound appealing to me in any way. It’s not like the Greenland/iceland thing. When America calls something that has death in the name, they mean it.
Driving across Death Valley in July. In a rented Malibu.