This won't end well.
This won't end well.
Stop distracting Sony with stupid things and let them fix the problem that they didn't create.
@Repliforce: Exactly.
And everyone is worried about the PSN being down, this is the real news people. The PSN will recover, this kid might never do. Excellent job Popcap!
I really like the PSN. I bought my PS3 when it was released and I can really say I have no complaints about it. I love the free service Sony offers and has kept it that way for so long. Even though I cannot do certain things on my Ps3 now I still love it for all the experiences it has given me since the beginning. …
@HitmonInfinity: Yes, to their own pockets. Don't forget that PSN will still have free online multiplayer.
@Nexus6: Hey I am Peruvian!
Goddess of War in that picture.
So at the end we found out it's-crap.
This is Sparta!!!!
Sony, make the dang move and buy Atlus! If you don't you'll lose them forever!
@Tyler Travis: OH, how you love to generalize and use stereotypes. Generalizing is always stupid. Assuming is not very smart. People and circumstances are always different. There is always complexity in life, you should not put everybody in the same sack.
I think they boo'd at the thought of "free Xbox 360".
The Next Wii Will Innovate, Nintendo Would Be "Embarrassed" If It Was Sony, Microsoft
@Crowbot: I am quoting S00005125 because I find his answer to express what I think: "Yes, why couldn't it be serious like when the Indian character could hit people across the screen with the power of Yoga and he could spit fireballs because Indian people eat curry (quote from manual) OR when the Brazilian fighter was…
It is such an unnecessary waste of plastic.
What about URallGay. Is that accepted?
I think Kratos uses too much eye shadow.
@SolidMetalSnake: He is just joking, chill out.
@ddhboy: LA Noire was never announced as a PS3 exclusive.