
That plan is exactly the same as found on a lot of the modular home building sites. You can have one that size for less than $100K.

And that's exactly why Android will never seriously challenge iOS - a balkanization of OS versions and hardware platforms. Half of all Android buyers will switch to iPhones.

Same old bs - just new names for the same overpriced technology. Bose 901s beat anything at any price for acoustic music.

The atom bomb is what has kept you safe and secure from 1945 until today. And it's funny how the people who want to make a big deal out of Hiroshima and Nagasaki never talk about the firebombings of Tokyo or Dresden - or the blitz in England, or the Japanese atrocities against the Chinese, the Dutch, the American, and

More Geek masturbation stories. Apple's brand is a lot stronger than Consumer Reports - and a few orders of magnitude greater than a Geek fest like JizzModo.

Apple is a lot stronger brand than Consumer Reports - or a bunch of Geek F**s beating themselves off about it.

You could build your own cruise missile with one of these.

Canon and Nikon have kept semi-pro quality cameras outrageously overpriced, but the competition from cameras like this is changing things. The weak point, however is always the autofocus. Without decent autofocus, all you have is a glorified point and shoot.