
I will say "yes officer" and "no officer". Forget "sir". I am not trying to win the cop's favor. The only thing he is going to do is write you a ticket which he probably is going to do regardless. Why else would he go through the trouble of pulling you over and getting out of his car? Sure, I have had warnings, but I

Seems like he was just trying to get by her, not attack her. I do not think the reaction is warranted.

I hear the capsule of the Soyuz is pretty cramped compared to modern standards, but it has become a reliable workhorse.

True. Might as well let Philip Morris hand out free cigs at highschools.

??? I am confused.... did we just understand each other's position without at least 30 - 40 ad hominem responses? Is this Gawker??? Where am I?????

12 - 13 is on the edge. But if he goes, I want to be the one to take him. Not some school sponsored thing. I just think it is good for the kids to keep school and this kind of thing seperated.

Exactly. Why is common sense always under assault in these comments. What ever you think about Hooters, did anyone really think this coach had any good sense??

Yeah, but they don't want an adult being their "porn pal" they want adults to act like adults. How frikken creepy for their coach to take them to see some tits.

I gotta go with the latter then. I cannot give up the titties.

So, what you are saying is WHY do they HAVE to go to Hooters? They could easily have foresaw the controversy and easily just gone somewhere else?

I thought Pearls was on the side of its creepy to have an adult hang out at Hooters with some 12 yo boys.

Porn - intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings

They also have access to a lot of other potential destructive things, doesn't me as adults we use that as an excuse to hand it to them.

Please explain how that is a strawman?

No, but there is age appropriateness that goes along with a childs level of mental and social development. Most parents want their sons to respect women and understand what Hooters really is. Not sure a junior high kid can really understand the context.

At lunch today the host was a pimply faced yound man.

Hell - take them to a strip club? Mental and social development be damned.

Got to start the objectification young so it sinks in good by adulthood.

Yeah we would.

You mean a sports car is more than sutffing the biggest engine you can get to fit into a 20 year old technology platform and marketing it to the 18 - 26 year old crowd??