
I’m sorry about your dad. Maybe the universe thought you could use a floofy support dog at that moment.

My first time flying; O’Hare to Louisville. I was 17 and flying with 50 other teenagers from a theatre festival.

Her column was the only reason I read Elle. It’s despicable that they’d fire her for because she spoke up about being raped. Any magazine that does that deserves to fail.

I was a Girl Scout, have an anxiety disorder, and got really into the WWZ book for awhile...

Yes! Multiple first aid kits (thanks FSA money that almost ran out), water purifiers in different varieties, batteries galore, a bunch of Mountain House food (tastes good for camping even if there are no future disasters), a hang crank NOAA weather radio that also has a flashlight and can charge devices, duct tape,

Hello fellow Hoosier! My high school had a day care; it opened in the 90’s. I’m so glad to have left that state...

The vet bills alone on a dog getting into beer... but we love them, no matter what’s they eat or how much they cost us!

All dogs are amazing at tricking their humans so they can steal their food! I’ve learned that we really can’t leave a plate for a moment because our Pomeranian will find a way to get to it.

Stories like this are probably the best arguments for why everyone in this country should automatically receive healthcare and health education.

Red Badge of Courage.

I’m fully willing to admit to bias since I have a white Pom / Japanese Spitz mix dog, but I looked up pictures of Ivanka Trump’s dog and it’s so cute. I feel guilty for voting for it in the first round! All doggies are good; it’s the people who suck. 

Seriously! I was born in a southern state in a very, very poor family and I knew right away that Confederate statues were bullshit (I’m loving the participation trophy comment above!).

Or you work at a pro-choice non-profit with staff that’s made up 95% by women. It’s not perfect, but there aren’t any sexual harassers here for which I’m profoundly grateful. 

The thing is, she probably already is vaccinated. Many of these parents are, don’t seem to think they were hurt by their childhood vaccines, but think their kids experience will be different. It’s mind boggling!

She definitely sucks!

I don’t know why, but between this article and your comment I cannot get the “Every Sperm Is Sacred” song out of my head!!!

If you’re just trying to extend the life of your mattress and I idea of sleeping on a cloud appeals to you then I highly recommend this bed topper. A friend’s mom got it and now everyone in the friend group went out and bought one. This started years ago and it’s still the best thing I’ve slept on: Dreamfoam Bedding

What I’d give to go back in time and fix the grammar & autocorrect word choice errors!!!