
No judgement here. I watched it sober and cried. I might blame the pandemic for that, but if definitely happened.

Did he get his $1,000 back?

Those two albums were the soundtrack to my 8th & 9th grade as well!

I’m a week late, but you’re probably remembering “Debra’s Time” sung by Cecily & Chris Hemsworth at a holiday piano sing a long from a few years back. They insisted everyone knew the song, the other 3 were like, no we don’t, and it was an amazing song. The overacting by Cecily’s character was hilarious and I think it

OMG yes Clifton Collins would’ve been a much better Lloyd. I loved Miguel Ferrer in the role; he humanized the character who was pretty much damned from the start. Lloyd should be much more introspective, a hard worker (in Vegas), and he would never be partying and doing drugs all the time.

CBS loves cop type dramas. There’s no way they’re going to accurately portray them as the bad guys in anyway possible. It is the one complaint I had prepared myself for before watching this.

I thought they’d been shot as a nod to the book. There’s that chapter early on showing the breakdown of troops holding quarantine zones and media blackouts. Residents forming mobs and overtaking them or even units taking out their own commanders because they’re traumatized by killing civilians.

That was my favorite thing to learn in the book!

Did anyone else watch the video? I would kill for the money to upgrade/renovate my kitchen to have all that convenient storage space! The attention to counter height alone...

Everything I own gets covered in white dog fur!

Wait. Your wife works in a hospital with Covid patients who have died and are dying... and y’all are celebrating Thanksgiving with 20 family members? Do you hate your relatives?

It really does feel like a nightmare from which you hope you’re about to wake.

I died at Home Alone 2!

As part of debate negotiations I think most candidates and their teams have/would never agree to turning off the mics. Of course, that was in “normal” times.

Please, for your health and safety, consider if it’s in your best interest to watch in real time. You can always record and then skim through or wait the read a transcript. 

You have no idea how right you are with that statement! 

I feel bad for that poor dog. Maybe it’s because my dog is all white, so when I see it I think of my little ball of fluff, but still.

Yes!! That you so much!!

That’s horrific and hard to read.

This post is perfection. Dark as fuck, but perfect nonetheless!