
On one hand, I want to support the flip flop movement. I have wide, flat feet and one has been mysteriously swollen for 13 years (#MedicalMystery) so, to paraphrase Mean Girls, “Flip Flops are all that fits right now...”
That said... how is the above fashion? It looks like someone rolled around in a thrift shop/has

Mucus plug? No. No fucking way. I thought I knew everything about the labor process. I've learned to accept that water pouring out of you, tearing, incontinence, and shit happens. This may be the final straw though. I'm not sure I can do the whole pregnancy thing.

At least urine is sterile.... right?

Firefly FTW!

Oh girl... Times like those make every woman wish they had a large, hardback book!

Nononono nope nooooooooooooo

Christ on a cracker, no fucking way would I have let that flown lol! Who are these crazies!?!?

That Caviar CC cream is a f’ing game changer!!! I have wavy, frizzy hair in the summer and it's the only thing that doesn't make me look like I stuck my hand in a light socket!

The clips of Bronn from his 90’smusic career are the most amazing gift you've ever given us ;) Bravo!!!!

For a moment I thought you wrote “sleeping vagina” and had a hilarious mental image of napping genitals...

Yes! I’d almost be ok with them if they didn’t do the creepy thing where the man who catches the garter has to put it on the woman who catches the bouquet.

So I discovered I have PCOS which led to my hair thinning. Luckily I found that taking Biotin, Spironolactone (prescription to reduce the testosterone that led to the hair thinning), eating more red meat, using the Rogaine foam, taking iron (I’m also anemic), and getting good scalp shampoos helped!

It doesn’t go away in that you forget everything, but it gets easier. Minutes of not thinking disordered thoughts about food become hours, then days, and then weeks.

I posted this in an earlier thread, but this one seemed more appropriate. I suppose I’m crow sourcing these ideas.

I don’t I don’t want this to come across as too “Holly hopeful” or naïve white girl, but I want to do something for these women now.

This is good news! I'm still early in my use do hopefully I'll have similar results.

I’m another PCOS lady (survivor?) here and I’ve been doing the shaving/plucking thing. I’ve taken Spironolactone for awhile and it doesn’t do much for facial hair. However, if I stop taking it I break out.

Keep most of the money and dye your hair first. Take a trip somewhere you’d never go (or wouldn’t have gone with her).

This is everything!

First, I must qualify that it was two of my best friends who did this amazing thing on my behalf!