
Thank you so much!

Slightly OT, but can someone here tell me how to report or block comments that are racist on Kinja?

I think Cho was a Ravenclaw (so sorry to be that annoying person correcting!!).

Basically you have to beg a friend or do the whole metro then bus/taxi/uber out to the 'burbs

That Target is the worst!!!!

Yes, she was miserable. Episode 6 of season 10. I don't know if I've ever been so angered by a TV show.

Yes I remember they were all so horrified at the thought of designing clothes for actual living humans.... it pissed me off.

Season 10, episode 6. I f'ing HATED that guy!

My immediate reaction was, "Fuck that bitch!!!" As a girl who had to wear a bra in elementary school I feel your pain! Just the other day I was in a yoga class and couldn't do an inversion from shoulder stand because my boobs got in the way. I used to stress out because vnecks, dresses, hell even gym tops show

Can I just say that I think your mouse solution was badass!

This wasn't one of the times when I was serving, but as a patron at a famous coffee chain. I was in line for the bathroom and the girl in front of me had been in for a long time... usually a bad sign. She waltzed out and appeared to be extremely drunk. I took one look and saw that she had literally vomitted all over


Sadly, I'm not sure anyone in her family cares.

Seriously! Why are there no consequences?

Most importantly, can we discuss the tight-rolled khakis? Is this a thing now? I couldn't look away from that train wreck!