Union Jill

These guys are trying way too hard.

You accused me of misusing the term 'victim blaming' and I was just expanding upon what I meant when I used it. But you're right, you didn't address blackface. However I don't think that changes my point. In fact I think it supports it. I mean, even though this story involves blackface and what sounds like attempts at

Relate your comment to what actually occurred here. Unwanted sexual advances and blackface are things I would consider to be harassment if I were subjected to them. And surely if you are being fair you will admit that you would too. I don't want to put words in your mouth, but it certainly sounds like you are

She did not put herself in a compromising position, she entered into a contract for services that she went on to provide. This is a perfectly legal and legitimate thing for a human being to do. In the course of providing that service, she was harassed by two guys, one in blackface and one subjecting her to unwanted

Rather than low-key slut shaming her for being an "escort" as a new mom,I find the atrocious acts of racism that keep being thrown in her face simply because she's dating a black man far more worthy of discussion. That's just me.

I'm sorry but this is classic victim blaming. She is a reality tv star who makes her money and has built her 'empire' on the public's interest in her. Taking payment from some guy for time spent in her company seems to me to kind of be in keeping with that. I don't get why that is something to criticise her about. And

These pyjamas are the most amazing of all the amazing things.

They have "vanilla" diamonds set in "strawberry" gold on the website.

I don't know if you read the conclusion of the study but there was the suggestion that female (physical) sexual arousal evolved in response to rape and that's why it occurs in so many of the situations; it's a safety mechanism.

Hmm, okay I see what you mean. And you're right. But it might be that she didn't talk specifically about arousal as distinct from attraction because she's not that particular about what language she uses. I don't know, she can speak for herself. I think my point is that it seems to me that there is something a lot

I think's it's interesting (read: horseshit) that many women feel the need to identify/label their attraction to men, but not their attraction to women, and I think that that works out really well for straight men.

Yes I read about that too. And I think it supports the point that women who describe themselves as straight yet are aware of feeling arousal in relation to other women should not have their identified sexuality questioned any more than a gay woman who happens to be aroused by men should.

being attracted to women and men means you are bi-sexual, not straight...

Thank you so much for your post! Basically just to put it in a nutshell I know exactly what you mean and I have experienced the types of dynamics and scenarios you describe. My experiences with black women are very similar in terms of the directness and transparency of motives, competitiveness, etc. And my experience

Beautifully put!



No apology necessary at all! Thanks so much for sharing further. I feel like I better understand where you're coming from. This exchange has been great. I know we've not brought about world peace but I feel like I was really heard by you. Even when I was generalising quite widely and making a lot of assumptions. You

Just reread your posts again, and you have actually acknowledged a lot of things that I just glossed over. I do feel defensive about this and it is unfortunate that that clouds my ability to discuss it as clearly as I wish I could.

I wasn't trying to say that you view black women as the enemy. But I know that I was unclear, so I apologise. I was however trying to say that what you report about your experience and the way you report it - i.e. that black women have been the main group that has bullied you and been competitive with you - is