ABC Marvel TV wish list
ABC Marvel TV wish list
Fuck, *I* would be, too. O_O
Holy wow, his ex-wife must be terrified of him.
America...what a country!
He thinks taking a few supplements can cure Ebola??? Fuck that.
Looks like the toxin with him IS masculinity. ;)
True. Gorgeous locks on that one.
Kato’s always had much prettier hair.
Imagine following health advice from this person
I’m getting a hint of Kato Kaelin.
Hey...they are alternate doctors.
In the same monologue, he claimed to have begun trying to rid his body of “toxins,” chief among them the mind-controlling, “IQ-crushing” fluoride, which Jones and other conspiracists have argued for years is put in the water supply to dumb us all down
The dude-bro version of Gwyneth Paltrow, this one. I wonder if he steams his scrot.
Cannot unsee.
I am disturbed by how much Dr. Group resembles Joni Mitchell.
Chiropractor: a twelve-letter word for “someone who is not a doctor who wants you to think he’s a doctor.”
I am so disgusted by the thought of Alex Jones needing male vitality and the idea of him having a colon cleanse I’m going to vomit forever.