Eat shit you stupid fuck
Eat shit you stupid fuck
Hahahahaahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha my christmas green bean casserole will never be the same
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This is going to have to be my new favorite past time now and my children will be neglected thanks a lot sod!
I don’t wanna be debbie downer but these stories are a lot more rare than “Look at these rich dicks” lol but I liked the story anyway : )
White people have terrible definitions of fat/thin. Iirc it was a white guy saying she got fat on Twitter that originated the topic.
This is pleasantly normal.
Giveaways to have a pop star do your Brazilian wax?
I’m creepily interested if a “bedtime routine” has transpired. Like shower, moisturizer? Mundane shit?
It’s cool to look good naked but also I like burritos so Khloe’s diet/life sounds hellish.
Just some various strange words that I smooshed together one night from some commentariat conversations haha : ) ty.
“Please feel free to add this new development to your constantly evolving suspect board of red string and computer printouts tacked to a cork board in your bedroom.”
Another man blaming his shortcomings on a woman, even from nearly a decade ago. How quaint.
Steve Harvey is what happens when a man thinks he’s much more important and special than he really is. He really is part of the Trump family!