God, his parents must be so proud. Kid is only 18, he’s barely out of high school, and he’s already spewing meaningless buzzwords and billing for utterly useless services like a consultant two or three times his age!
God, his parents must be so proud. Kid is only 18, he’s barely out of high school, and he’s already spewing meaningless buzzwords and billing for utterly useless services like a consultant two or three times his age!
How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?
It’s all fake news..until he can try to blame Obama and then all of a sudden “I guess it was Russia and Obama didn’t do anything! Blame him!” (Never mind the fact he has his White House staff working to lessen Russian sanctions and is in the process of giving two Russian compounds in the US back to Russia that Obama…
I’m sure the Pilates machine in the background had nothing to do with how she stays in shape.
That Hanzal is so hot right now.
I like Mark Sanchez too, but I wouldn’t go that far.
The only snaps Romo’s worried about are his neck and spine.
As a result, Hernandez allegedly waited for the men to leave the club, pulled up next to their vehicle, yelled “what up, [racial slur]?”
In happier news, a woman who was born prior to women being allowed to vote just cast her ballot for Hillary Clinton. It’s pretty incredible to think all that this woman has seen in her lifetime and that she is alive today to not only vote but for the first female presidential candidate.