Amazing... but wait! What about Piglet? What happened to Piglet? :(
Amazing... but wait! What about Piglet? What happened to Piglet? :(
Poltergeist. I saw it quite by accident as it was on a VHS my folks recorded a show for me to watch - it started playing at the moment the kid is being attacked by the toy clown and the mother is being dragged across the ceiling screaming. I was about 8 and it stuck with me long afterwards...
Kind of shits on the “Has anyone asked people in Africa what they think?!” angle the failed campaign against this movie was trying to come at.
I know one guy who dislikes TLJ for reasons that aren’t just playing to the gallery and I find his reasons to be legitimate and fine but I loved the movie. The playing to the gallery stuff like Leia Poppins, the bombing run, everything about Luke etc... fucking get your own opinions to hate a movie than some…
This guy gets it
So it’s about stay at home dads. EXCELLENT. Ticket sold.
I love how this story has turned into comments of, “See! Other black super hero movies that were great!” without even reading what Snipes actually said about the studios being BIG FUCKING RACISTS WHO DIDN’T GET IT.
“No, but with a name like Brandon he’s probably not gonna be of much importance in the future”
Netflix, the home of straight to DVD movies.
Doomed Starman
I think the whole thing is Doomed.
I watched it and thought it started out really well and was hoping that it would get crazier and creepier and borrow some ideas from movies like Event Horizon, and games like Doom which explored opening up a rift and colliding with a hell dimension... alas after the Alien style worm scene and Chris O’Dowd’s missing…
I’d say Ivalice from the Final Fantasy series is an excellently realised fantasy realm.
I’m with you on this, nobody is saying all those who don’t like these movies are alt-right loons, but even those who genuinely don’t like these movies need to address the fact that these sites are gamed by both sides of any argument although at the moment more specifically by alt-right campaign groups.
Which is why the only ratings website that actually matters is They have been working since the 1970s on their ratings and they ask actual audiences at theatres to produce their exit polls. RT is completely ripe for abuse and audience scores in particular are completely unreliable and gamed to hell.
I think the best thing for everyone to do now is to make up a firm opinion on the movie from this teaser alone and stick with it until your dying days.
“limey twat” the language of a person with no intelligence or self-control. Glad I made you laugh, that must have been a novel experience for a joyless moron.
This guy gets it
I save my best for people worth the effort. Also I’m British so your American “politics” mean jack shit to me.