
Being a Straight (but say Im Bi/queer even though Ive only ever dated men and just think Beyonce is so pretty) White Woman in your 20's is literally the most privileged position in the entire world.

“Have you ever wondered why the world’s largest cities sprout up where they sprout up?” No, because I’m smart. Next Question Please.

They probably didnt vote for trump either you weirdo.

Assad is better than the rebels ( noticably absent from this list.) also you forgot obama and indiscriminately bombing yemeni children.

Biden would have recieved more votes because he’s the current sitting vice president.

wisconsin has voted for a demo president for 30+ years.

agreed. every black person in east st louis is bad. thanks for opening up about being an enormous racist.

people that voted for a young black man twice voted for trump this time.

“alt left” ? are you playing dumb to get a rise or something?

yeah Donald “ first person to desgregate his country club in florida and gets visits from kayne” Trump is way way more racist than Romney. Btw im 13 and this is first election ive seen

was hillary gaslighting her voters by promising things she wouldnt do? is all lying gaslighting now? so its now, disagreeing, lying and actual gaslighting are now gaslighting i hate this.

I dont think facebook cause the election results. Also, “fake news” is such a bullshit obsessive term. between that and all the russophobia its like the democratics went legitimately insane./

Are you ever going to report on Samantha Bee and her husband trying to get her school re-segregated?

glad jezebel has boots on the ground after the majority of fighting is over.

Acting like China is going to bomb or start initiating a war because of this is racist in the extreme. Its yellow peril on a global stage. We give billions a year to taiwan and its not like China doesnt know this. I expect this from Joanna “ my dad is apart of Clinton Machine” Rothkopf and Ellie but you should know

Clinton then proceeded to lose all those southern states she won against bernie. they werent in play.

I forgot this part :

White Woman Hates Holiday Celebrated By and For Black Men in Countries affected by Colonialism, more news at 11.

yeah its a shame the DNC chose to run the pure neoliberal when they knew the outsider who wasnt 100% neoliberal would have won. putting the party’s political pureness above a populist cost us all.

the votes for jill stein in those states wouldn’t have covered the gap between her and donald and thats if 100% of all stein voters voted for hillary.. If you’re of the opinion that libertarians are going to choose big gov democrats over republicans if gary johnson wasnt in the election, thats just plain stupidity.