marla hooch!
marla hooch!
remember taylor armstrong from the real housewives? I’m not sure which... maybe beverly hills? she had the worst lip job I’ve ever seen and IIRC it was permanent. she always looked like forming consonants was difficult.
Let’s all take a moment to remember Kylie’s old lips and Kim’s old face.
She does have a nice pout, but she’s not in the same league as Scarjo or Kerry Washington. But honestly, if I were to go in and ask for a celebrity’s lips, I would have to go with Tim Curry.
It takes a village.
I refuse
Good. She is a nasty person.
She’s gone off the rails and found God and the Republican party.
ewww she was a part of that?!?!
Melissa The Witch’s movie just bombed at the box office (God’s Not Dead II, which I wouldn’t watch on a bet and I actually like crap) and that gives me great joy. Where’s your Jesus now Mrs. Hart? Bwhahahahaha!
Well you see, the SO-CALLED “’”’PRESIDENT’”’” OBUMMER was going to ban all the guns, but then these HEROIC PATRIOTS found out the REAL TRUTH, and told everybody, thus FOILING OBUMMER’S EVIL ISLAMOFASCIST COMMUNIST ANTI-WHITE PLAN, because 9-11 truthers are THE MOST HEROIC HEROES SINCE GEORGE WASHINGTON HIMSELF MARCHED…
My tortoiseshell has been giving me the stink-eye all morning ... “yeah, wait until you go to sleep. THEN we’ll see who can get up on the counter tops."
Right, zoos are just the main groups actively involved in animal conservation. But what do you really care about that? Oh right, you don’t care.
Fuck zoos.
He looks like such a goober. Like Steve Urkel trying to be hard.
Tom Cruise really takes the cake for celeb tooth transformations:
I recently watched Romancing The Stone and the first 5 minutes was completely shocked by the real non-white teeth of Kathleen Turner. And then I was happy, because at one point, my teeth were acceptable in Hollywood!
A friend of mine stopped crushing on Jewel when she went and fixed her wonky teeth.
If people enjoy working out during and after pregnancy, good for them.
*begins to type. Sighs. Backs away from keyboard*