You have my vote, sir.
You have my vote, sir.
I will gladly use one for my PC Games.
I'm only leaving it open like that because I have heard rumors several times about Sony going that route next. After you pop in your disc and register it, you will get a digital copy tied to your account as long as it was a new disc. Of course, it's just a rumor, but I hope that the console makers are thinking of it…
My thoughts, too. However, I've come to realize that there isn't much I could do with a modded system that I couldn't do on my PC that's hooked into my TV. I hacked my Wii just because it was sitting there collecting dust and I wanted to make it do...anything. I got a lot of use out of it as a DVD player in my…
Thanks for listing the price. I went to look, but the site is crashed. I would have been more impressed if Nintendo would have thought to sell them for a lot cheaper just to get them into people's hands to sell games. That's probably because I'm a cheap bastard, but I think it would be brilliant. I'm curious as to…
I couldn't agree more. There are people/museums out there that have a need to collect every single console, though. So, there's that.
This is the first thing I am wondering. Second is me wondering if I ordered one, are the region locked? My boy has a 3ds, but I'd invest in an XL just for myself.
I'm getting one because it is going to be an open platform for a damn good price, and I really want to support the makers for those choices. I'm also thinking that Homebrew will have nothing on what you will be able to do with an Ouya. I am assuming we will be able to run XBMC on it, and that will be worth the…
Love the update, thanks. Has anyone come across a good deal or offering for Luigi's Mansion?
That was a pretty awesome looking trailer. Now I'm just hoping they didn't put all the best parts into it, which tends to happen a lot when commercials get me interested.
I agree that they should have. But then you would have all the early adapters of the original crying about how they will never buy a system when it first comes out again. I still don't understand why they don't think of adding an extra battery in there, too, so that a charge lasts longer. That would give me good…
I'm with you. I wasn't very excited for All-Stars at first, but as they've shown more and more, I'm into it now.
I was excited for this game until I read #1 of this article. Now I've decided against getting it. I have a family here at the house and it's annoying to try and play online with people all the time. Between my kid playing acrobat throughout the house and me having to pause constantly to get various home related…
Tell that to my 8 year old whose 3DS can't be charged without the cradle because the pins inside the plug adapter broke, and the top screen flashes off randomly when you move it. Normally I would have agreed, but their newer systems aren't what they used to be.
I am so very sorry that I wasted your precious time reading those three words. I didn't notice that you had other replies with this retarded comment system.
For $50? Eh, I'll keep my modded Wii that has around 2000 games on it counting NES, SNES and around 75 Wii games.
Yes it does.
Yeah, it is. I was thinking it was going to be a small Q&A with the actual player when I clicked it.
Part One?? I guess I'll be waiting for both parts to be on one BluRay.....or just download it.
If you've never read it, I'd have to say that you are missing a great story. I read it over 20 years ago and it's still one of my all time favorite Batman stories....even with Robin. She's not really beating up on mobsters very much as I remember. More of a defensive stance to her. There are great battles in it…