
I only avoid Walmart because they are always busier than Target in my town.

Both of those are great gins, but I prefer Hendrick's to any other. That stuff is a great way to turn new people onto gin.

I find it funny that in my town I see police officers on the phone all the time while driving. My job requires a lot of driving around and I went hands-free a long time ago, just as they should have. The only time I need to touch mine is when I'm launching GPS and I do that before I take off.

Can anyone help me out with something I'm wondering? I know that concrete explodes if you have a fire built on it. Is there a reason that a cinder block wouldn't? I'm not sure on the steps to make a cinder block. Are they heated like bricks when made? Or would that even make a difference?

I was thinking these would be duel screen for adding 3D effects into navigation software.

"Folsom Prison Blues"

I noticed that when I was working in the liquor store that most customers didn't realize that until you told them. People always just wanted it to put on their bookshelves.

Just look at Crystal Head Vodka. That stuff in the bottle is quite likely the worst vodka I've ever tried. It still sells because of the bottle, though.

And yet, oddly, I know two people that have won the jackpots, and no one that has been hit by lightening.

Well, they will understand why I will wait until the game is one forth of it's release price.

Yeah, easily in the hundreds for me. And that's not including all the games that have many different paths that I never bothered to play through again to see different endings. If you're talking 100% completion, I've probably only really finished <5% of all games I've played over the course of the last 30 years.

Same here now. I never had this problem before I linked my account.

No issues with that here, but I've been having issues with the page not loading when I click the RSS all the time. Usually have to refresh once or twice before it will pop up.

Is this just because of the DRM, or is it also about the cities connecting to other players online? From what I read earlier, it sounded like the online element was pretty crucial to the gameplay. Well, it is EA, so I guess just the DRM is enough for them.

Thanks for saying that. I was about to wait until April 11th when it was on Steam's page. Mine's ordered now.

As I read this, there is an image of Mr. Burns laughing on the sidebar, and all I can think is that this must be what the CEO of M&M looks like right now.

Aside from the doctors that will abuse it (who are also bums in my book) I can easily see people checking into hospitals for the night just to be inside someplace. And addicts going doctor to doctor shopping for pills. That's just for starters. I'm pretty sure people will find other ways.

Mainly because our government can't seem to do any thing right lately. I sure don't want them trying to figure out my healthcare with how they handle most situations. It's going to cost a lot of money that this country just doesn't have right now. Aside from that, we also have a ton of bums in this country that

I've come to like Amy even though I really haven't cared much for any of the story since this doctor came on board. I will be sad to see her go, but the story could use some fresh faces. I just want to know where my major motion picture is with an appearance by David Tennant.

I don't see why they would have to go all digital to take a chunk away from used game sales. They could easily put a code on each disc that registers with your profile online. That would make it so that they could track piracy and charge a fee for used games. GameStop would just start paying even less for used