
I’ll say (and have said it before) that I love seeing board game coverage here.

It was like Trump said during the election:

Seems like it’ll be a neat solution for collectors but I honestly just want these games on my Switch. SNES games are great on the 3ds. but they are a little hard to appreciate on the small screen. The Switch like the perfect device for SNES games - with the caveat that it still lacks a joypad. Hmm.

Damn. I was really hoping to see her finish out the new trilogy. That said, if they couldn’t scrap together enough to make for a memorable appearance, there’s no sense forcing it and ultimately disappointing people.

Har-har. When you’re trying to raise twins in a small 1000 square feet apartment and you’re old and fortunate enough to have some savings, you might take the night nurse option. Very pricy and not something we’ll be able to do much longer, but it’s been massively helpful in these early weeks!

Sure the night nurse was impressed, but what of the butler, chef and groundskeepers?!

To be fair, “machine gods are eating my friends” is a very good reason to get out of Dodge.

I don’t know you, but I’m so disappointed in you.

P.T. is dead, long life Death Stranding.

I hope it has good no multiplayer.

I honestly would be satisfied with crew vignettes like Mass Effect 2.

Obligatory: Fuck Konami.

don’t forget about Guillermo!

Norman Reedus and Mads Mikkelsen?

Fuck, I saw the headline and read ‘10 cool players basses’.

Where were the Congressional investigations on this? We wasted millions in tax payer dollars on Benghazi and emailz, but will this get the same attention? This seems a hell of a lot more disturbing.

Exactly. Not only that, it’s kind of a commentary on the human condition where he has the power of a god, so nobody expects him to want to be a simple person, hiding among us. Why would Superman want to be a normal guy, with a job? He’s Superman!

There’s going to be a lot of hate for this game, and I wonder if (outside of the obvious need for bug fixes and a stable PC build) it comes down to how games are played:

So I get that competitive, fast paced, demanding games aren’t your cup of tea, but I think that SC2 as the reigning king of the competitive RTS deserves a spot in the top 10.

That's a really good question. The DM is in charge of all the characters in the story/adventure who aren't the other players. So sometimes the DM is the 6 goblins in the cave, sometimes the mayor of the town, sometimes the cackling evil wizard, etc. In more advanced games, sometimes the DM will also control a