
Yepp there's a big blob of truth right here!
Everybody just chill, Nintendo will be and do just fine.

Seems like nice folks!:) also the temp might be chilly but it's to be prefered to Farenheit 451, the temperature where the PS4-manual burns.

Why is Zorro acting like this, makes no sense

Why is Zorro acting like this, makes no sense

Amen fellow Jedi, Wii U? Yepp got it, no probs at all ever so far(almost a year of rather heavy usage, I'll let my daughters watch some daddy-approved cartoons on Netflix, truth ia they are even more gentle in their handling of the Gamepad than I ever saw the need to be, Ninty just works and works as their system have

Just surrender to the blue light at the start of the tunnel,If you're a jedi too it will work instantly and eternally

Like it but the first line should've been " Shepard, check Urself" to keep the rhyme and rythm. Still like it!:)

I've been thinking the same thing, the very same thing! Still not sure if I'll wait for it some months away when I pick up a PS4 or get in for the Wii U end of the month.

Yeah good call(s), I'm in for those 3 too

One of (if not the best) kart-racers ever made yes