

That’s not Crazy Taxi

The vast majority of Pewdiepie’s fans are children. And children are stupid. They’re not emotionally mature enough to fully grasp nuance or context. They see Jacksepticeye criticizing his actions while also voicing support, and all they understand is “Jacksepticeye talked shit about Pewdiepie.” They can’t see how

“We collectively, as YouTubers, have built this thing. It is ours, not theirs.”

It’s a mature reading of the situation that relies on nuance to make its point.

If Boogie averaged 27 and 10 while not playing hard, then the trade is upgraded from “highway robbery” to “actually absconding with an entire damn highway.”

As usual, you have missed the point. No one (except Redford) is angry about this. No one is saying it’s bad for Cousins. They’re just enjoying the hell out of mocking the Kings for making a phenomenally weak deal.

I, too, am invested in the honour of gigantic consumer electronics corporations

“Three days on the internet is enough to know no one uses swastikas seriously.”

This is what happens when Michael Richards is your PR consultant.

That’s nice. But I’m pretty sure no one appointed you to speak for the entire Jewish community. Other Jewish people’s feelings are just as valid as yours.

I know exactly what you mean. It didn’t feel like a real “I’m contrite” type of apology. More like “I’m sorry you decided that you didn’t like what I posted” kind of apology.

I think that’s on him, those people losing thier jobs. That’s not anyone else’s fault. I don’t cheer it because that would be asinine, but I don’t feel bad for him either. Thinking it’s funny to get some poor third world guys to dance in fucking hula skirts while waving a “Death to All Jews”sign for $5 is exactly the

I don’t even understand how “Burn all Jews” could ever be considered a joke. Yes people will scream context, however there was 0 context, it wasn’t satire, it wasn’t pointing out historical absurdity among people, it was a statement meant to garner shock.

I hope the people who are happy about his cancellation understand that they’re not just celebrating a professional blow to PewDiePie, but that they’re celebrating the loss of employment for all of those hardworking professionals.

There was a Youtuber who brought up a good point about thinking about the stuff you say or do before putting anything out. Mostly because not only does your livelihood depend on it, but the livelihoods of everyone who works or is affiliated with you.

“Pewdiepie pointed out that in snippet of footage, he was asking his fans to stop using Swastikas,”

It’s not even so much that. If you don’t want the people you work with to suffer the consequences for your action then you should probably not do dumb shit in the first place.

What a BS “I’m sorry you were offended” non-apology. This dude wants all of the perks of being a celebrity with none of the legitimate criticism that comes with it.