
I love that it now it just accepted that Diane is an evil mastermind. I know Ruby can be over the top but I love it every time she calls out "Black Jesus".

I loved the part about Uncle Nephew but it was also sorta sad that Paul only had one person who cared for him, I understand why he feels like he has to be with Lindsay because he's lonely and afraid of being alone/abandoned.

I love Frankie and Duke but I'm really getting annoyed with Max. I really loved seeing Sarah Baker and I hope she returns.

I'm pretty sure the president has feelings for Annalise. Thats why she keeps coming back and being nice to get even after Annalise treats her horribly. I kept waiting for her to admit it or for them to kiss during their scene together.

I loved it when Sarah Paulson's character said she played Shelby as "Fiery and Pathetic". It was so spot on. At least somebody recognizes how annoying Shelby was.

I realize that a lot of stuff didn't happen, but I am actually grateful for that. It seemed as if they were trying to take it slow instead of just doing one thing after the other very quickly. I got really annoyed with the flashback/ flash-forward technique in the first season, but it seems like if they are trying

I really liked how this episode was also used to show Pearl and Amethyst's growing relatinship. They are really trying to be supportive of each other and it shows how much they do care and respect each other.
P.S. I want to hear more about Barb and get talent for coming through with threats. I loved that brief moment

Rose looking right at the camera while talking about tge importance of the book was both exciting and creepy especially when Jamie-as-Buddy looked too. I think this was a way to explain how she got the inspiration to leave Steven that video message and Lion.
Plus I loved Amethyst talking to the rock and telling

I noticed that too and immediately thought "Of course, Joanna would be one of those women who lose most or all of their pregnancy weight in a month".

Ha ha I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed they didn't pay bus fare. There were several times when I would go "Really?"at the tv.

I missed the last two episodes, so I'm glad that I was able to see the finale because it exceeded my expectations. It was funny, heartwarming, romantic, and had the right amount of drama to set up for the next season. I just wonder how long it will take for Anezka to be discovered and what Xiomara's going to do with

I loved that even though Bow figured out that Jack was the one who done it, she still got the side-eye from Vivian ( Regina Hall). I think that and Dre's reaction to Junior's new friends were used to show that they are they're just trying to raise their kids the best they can.
I loved that Diane loves revenge the

I find the fights between Ben/Bailey and Callie/Arizona to be tedious. However while Ben/Baileys fight makes no sense and I can't really side with either one, I can agree that Arizona' s position might be a little bit more legitimate then Callie's. Callie seems to think that because she wants to be with Penny and

This whole episode was funny from start to finish. I love that both Dre and Bow perfectly expressed how they( and most likely many Black Americans) feel as if they need to work twice as hard and not fail. My favorite moments were when we found out that Pops embezzled $12,000 in "reparations", when they were praying

I really like it when the episodes start off with Jane and Rafael have a conflict, but end with them each coming to an agreement. I think it shows how they have both grown and are really good as friends. That being said, I wish that there wasn't always a problem with these two on how to raise Mateo. I just want them

I really did like Regina Hall in this episode and hope to see her again. I think that her character really worked well with all of the Johnson characters. My favorite parts where when she blocked Junior from a hug with just her hand, when she told Zoey she was going to get beat up if she continued to act like that,

I really liked this episode, I know that the past few episodes before were a little slow at some parts, but this episode was all around great. I loved all of the reveals they showed. I liked the contrast between Flashback Annalise ( who has no control over anything) and Present Day Annalise ( who tells her employees

I think my favorite moment was after Rebecca and Josh kissed. To me it seemed like Josh had some look of regret on his face, while Rebecca was really happy that she got what she wanted. On the promo for next week it showed Josh going away to Hawaii, which I think could mean that even though he does care for Rebecca,

I admit that I'm getting tired that many of the couples on the show get together and then break up. It makes me think, "Well why did they even get together in the first place? Why do the writers always have to have something bad happen to them?". I think that Caroline really summed it up well when she said, that

I really enjoyed this episode for bringing up serious issues in way that didn't seemed to forced while also being humorous at appropriate times. The part when Dre was talking about Obama and the fear he had for him was perfectly on point. When I saw Mr. and Mrs. Obama step out of the limo, I suddenly thought " No! Get