
Exactly, it's like no matter what actually happens- this reviewer believes that black people ( or black men in this particular case) are not good enough. It's like he's promoting good characterization while also shutting down any attempts to actually make it happen, because it's not the way HE wants it.

Exactly, Jane the Virgin is full of many Latino actors and actresses ( which I love), but Sava never really says a word about that . It's like his complaining only applies to MCU shows.

I actually like the story lines of both Wilkes and Ana and thought that it worked well, so I was hoping that the reviewer would not bring it up. Unfortunately I was wrong. I am both black and a woman, so Sava's constant mentions about how apparently horrible the show is treating its black and female characters and

I believe I have said this before, but even though I used to want Jane and Rafael, but now I think it would be better if they remained friends who parent cooperatively. I think that when they don't push the romantic side, it allows them to be really good together. Plus Jane has realized that even though she does have

SAVE ME BLACK JESUS! I have to admit that every time someone said that I started laughing. I agree that all of the characters were going to extremes, but there were some actual reasons as to why they acted that way. I think this episode showed why the family is really good with each other, because they all go a

I was thinking that same thing when I saw their scenes together. At the beginning of the series I wanted Rafael and Jane together, but now I realize that they may be better as friends who parent their child together. I think that highlighting the relationship between Petra and Rafael shows why they were married before

I thought it was funny when Diane questioned why Junior changes his personality every week and yet does not expect things to end disastrously. I thought that it was kind of a fourth-wall breaking moment, because both Junior and Dre go over board every week and are suprised when things go wrong. I also loved that

I'm glad i'm not the only one who thought that. I thought it was just me. I thought It was an Irish accent that I hadn't heard before.

When Pops first came out with that hair dye, I was wondering how long it would stay like that. By the end of the episode when he came running in the room with the hair dye melting on his down his face, I started cracking up. I liked that Bow called him out on his feelings for Ruby. I knew there had to be a reason why

I made the same face as Peridot!

I think they did a good job of using fast forwatds, because I wasn;t confused at all. I think they addressed all the things that were necessary. What I loved most is that it focused on Jane trying to pursue her dreams and still try to be a good mother. I think when the story focuses on Jane it makes for a better

I loved this episode because Gina Rodriguez got show how great an actress she is by showing Jane feel conflcited over whether or not she should stay with Mateo or go to graduate school. I though the narrator was giving his best in this episode. When he started getting jealous of Jane doing the narration and then

Every time they made a WNBA joke I laughed. Especially when Bow said something like " I'm glad Jack convinced me to give up those two WNBA tickets" . They just kept digging it deeper and I laughed more and more. I also liked that they slipped in that Diane needs court manded therapy. Does this mean that everyone else

I honestly thought that Junior was just running a long con on Bow, but the fact that he genuinely went the extra mile for her was funnier. I liked that after Bow broke it off with Junior, Ruby said " Now he'll never kill anyone for you", that was the biggest laugh for me.

I thought it was good ( there were some parts that were a little dull for me) but it was funny . It has some dark comedy elements to it and I if we get more songs like the "Sexy getting ready song" I am in for as long as it on. It seems really promising.

I know I saw it coming, but everytime the percentage went down I laughed harder. Mostly because of Tracee Ellis Ross's facial expression, because it looked as if Rainbow really doubted the success of the procedure.

I couldn't help but laugh when Zoey said “No gun? I thought dad loved us.” It was so funny becuase typically some shows might have the kids not wanting a gun in the house, but all the Johnson kids were like " Why haven't we already had a gun?" I loved when Rainbow started pulling out all those weapons. I think this

The best for me was when Lucille said "Do you want me to call the police?" and after Forrest said yes she said "O.k. tell me when." even after he had been shot twice and was screaming in pain.

I wish that Tracee Ellis Ross had gotten a nomination along with Anthony Anderson or a least instead of. Not that Anderson wasn't good, but Tracee Ellis Ross outshines him as Rainbow.

I loved this episode, but it only left me with questions. That's not bad except I want them answered soon. I think the point of the episode is that there are somethings we don't/aren't meant to understand yet. How is Steven able to connect with Lapis? Will Malachite's personality completely take over since Lapis and