
It was annoying when Ben first played after his ankle injury and the statement about his condition was that he was at 60%.

Mike Wallace wasn't injured on the review of his catch, so they went to commercial...

Because neither resembles the other.

Europe. White people go back to Europe. Exclamation Point.

There should be no amnesty for American citizens. You either prove you were born here or get sent back to the country that you look like you might have come from. Period.

Holy crap, both drivers are going way too fast for road conditions and visibility shown in that video.

It was going to come with shuriken, but those couldn't get cleared through customs.

Cibo Matto's Sugar Water is one to check out as well.

Now playing

There are a lot of great music videos by Michel Gondry. The man has both a meticulous and creative mind.

For most of the watch, I thought that the whole thing seemed a bit arbitrary and reaching.

Now playing

For those curious about the Psych moment.

For claiming to be an expert in social media, he continues to show a distinct lack of social skills.

"we fired N-Control as a client"

The most fascinating thing is that it's not this guy's company or product. He's some contractor hired by the company to deal with the public.

It's like he's fishing for a meme.

You missed the point.

But it'll have Flash! They promised!

There's already enough confusion within the toy line already.

How will the mainstream conservative media spin this one?