
As amusing a read as it is, there's a reason eBay has "second chance offer". Sure, you're out $5, or whatever the bid increment is for that price range, but there's also a much lower chance of getting shot.

@Justin: The resolution process also takes 7 days, unless the buyer confirms the cancellation before that, during which time the item sold is still 'on the hook'.

@junior ghoul: Or check that it didn't get delivered next door. Had that happen to me.

Pay $100 to assure a groping every time.

It's not pretty, but Verizon offers two remote apps for FiOS customers. FiOS Remote acts like a basic remote, and DVR Manager does exactly what its name implies.

I remember when, prior to 3D acceleration, video cards went 32-bit with "BILLIONS OF COLORS!"

"roughly equivalent to a 1-ton car traveling at 100 mph."

"Cannot be printed"

@JonThomasDesigns: I thought the stuffed animals were a given from the beginning. Big plush ones with a sound device inside that makes noise when it registers sudden movement. So you could throw it at people and it'd make the squawking/crashing noises from the game.

@Lazzzara: That's the speaker, as been acknowledged, but the cutout opens up a lot more space than is necessary for just the speaker.

@mrm: No, but publicly saying that the next target for Wikileaks was "a big US bank" pretty much assured that every major US financial institution would be terminating business with Wikileaks through whatever excuse they could come up with.

Don't be fooled. Number 5 is a Blacktron plot!

I'd want one of those tanks trucks from Eden of the East.

He just sulked in the corner until they have him his own show.

@jamesryan: That assumes that the writing for Adult Swim is consistently good.

Now playing

Every time I read about this movie, "Perfect Blue" comes to mind.

There's no way I'm observing a foreign holiday like "boxing day" whatever it is, by watching this.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that, if Wikileaks hadn't posted 'sensitive' documents that the position a majority of the Fox News commentators would take is that the accusations are 'not rape' and 'shouldn't even be a crime'.